Research Support Fund (RSF)

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Institutional Performance Objectives

Expenditure Categories
Performance Objectives
Research Facilities
Maintain ability to support research facilities
Total research space in Net Assignable Square Meters (NASM)1
Portion of RSF invested in research facilities
NASM devoted to research in current FY is equal to or more than NASM in baseline FY
Research Resources
Maintain ability to provide research resources
Number of journal subscriptions (traditional and electronic formats) held by the institution
Portion of RSF invested in research resources
Number of journal subscriptions in current FY is equal to (or not less than 10% less than) the number of journal subscriptions in baseline FY
Management and Administration of Research Enterprise
Maintain institutions’ ability to support existing research activity
Number of active research files
Portion of RSF invested in management and administration
Number of active research files in current FY is equal to or more than the number of active files in baseline FY
Regulatory Requirements and Accreditation
Human Ethics
Maintain institutions’ ability to support human ethics compliance activities
Number of active Ethics certificates
Portion of RSF invested in regulatory requirements and accreditation
Number of active human ethics certificates in current FY is equal to or more than the number of active human ethics certificates in baseline FY

1 The amount of area (in NASM) used for research purposes. 1 square meter = 10.76 square feet

Research space includes all spaces functionally usable for research such as lab space (e.g., dry lab, server rooms), lab-office space, office-type space used for research, office and work space of research support staff. It excludes custodial, circulation and mechanical area.


Funds from the Research Support Fund supplemented by the institutions’ internal operational budgets supported and maintained the research enterprise as demonstrated in the table below.

 Summary of Institutional Performance Indicators Report

Institutional Performance Indicators
Research Facilities
Total research space in Net Assignable Square Meters (NASM)1
Research Resources
Number of journal subscriptions (electronic formats) held by the institution
Management and Administration of Research Enterprise
Number of active research files
$121 128
Regulatory Requirements and Accreditation
Number of active human ethics certificates
Intellectual Property
Number of invention disclosures


$121 128

1 The amount of area (in NASM) used for research purposes in square meters. 1 square meter = 10.76 square feet