How to search for wisdom : The poetic books of the Bible
Wisdom Texts and Intertestamental Literature.
THO2167 - Toward Christian Unity
A study of the basic principles of Catholic ecumenical engagement, the contributions to progress in unity through the study of selected inter-church dialogues. Implications for common prayer, common witness, and collaboration in ministry.
THO2189 - Can we talk about God ? An Introduction to Theology
An exploration of the origins of Theology as a discipline, of significant moments in its historical development, of its presuppositions, methods, and the basic questions it seeks to answer.
THO2350 - Introduction to the History of Christianity
Survey of the history of Christianity from its Jewish and Greco-Roman origins to its present-day form as a culturally diverse world religion. Overview of key historical turning points in the ancient, medieval, and modern periods. Overview of Christian traditions: Eastern and Western, Roman Catholic and Protestant. Understanding the historical and social context of the evolution of Christian traditions and communities in relationship with different cultures and religions. Particular attention to the role of the churches in the colonization of Canada and relationship with Indigenous peoples.
THO2410 - World Religions
Introduction to the world religions with an emphasis on Christian faith in interaction with other living faiths.
THO3123 - Early Christianity
Survey of the historical evolution of Christianity from its beginnings to the end of the fifth century, with attention to early Christological debates. An examination of church history in the Middle Ages with attention to key figures, movements, and developments in church theology and practice.
THO3124 - Reforming the Church
A study of church history from 1400 to present, movements of Catholic and Protestant Reform, significant social and cultural developments and their influence on the evolution of theology and church structures.
THO3160 - Introduction to the Old Testament
An introduction to the writings of the Old Testament through the study of the Pentateuch and Historical Books, with particular attention to their historical and cultural context, the role of the Yahwist, Elohist, Deuteronomist and Priestly traditions, and Deuteronomist History.
THO3161 - Introduction to the New Testament
An introduction to the study of the New Testament through a critical study of the Gospels of Mark, Matthew and Luke. Attention to the cultural and religious context of the New Testament and history of the formation of the Gospels; contemporary methods of biblical interpretation.
THO3162 - Revelation and Christian Faith
A Christian theology of revelation: Creation as a locus for revelation; reflection on how God has spoken in the history of Israel; fulfillment of revelation in Jesus Christ; impact of divine self-disclosure in shaping early Christian communities; faith as a human response to divine self-disclosure; implications for understanding the inspiration of Sacred Scripture and the meaning of Tradition; Christian revelation and other world religions.
THO3163 - The Christian God
The self-disclosure of the mystery of God throughout history. Theological reflection on the mystery of God the Trinity; the caring God; the question of the suffering and compassionate God; the human experience of God; speaking of God in the context of contemporary culture.
THO3164 - Jesus in the New Testament
Understanding Jesus of Nazareth, his identity, message and mission. Jesus the Messiah, Saviour, Lord, High Priest, son of Mary and Son of God. Theological interpretations of his death, resurrection and exaltation.
THO3165 - The Church and Salvation
The church as a sign of communion and salvation in service of the human community. Catholic ecclesial self-understanding, the unity of the Christian churches, structuring of ministries, the laity, and diversity of life within a world church. Contemporary crises in the church.
THO3166 - The good life : An Introduction to Christian Ethics
An introduction to the field of ethics within theology. Historical development of ethical approaches within theology. Constitutive elements of moral existence. Moral existence and Christian faith.
THO3168 - Christian prayer and spiritual life
Exploring the nature of Christian spirituality, its definition, foundation, diverse expressions; major periods and movements of Christian spirituality; the importance of spirituality for theological reflection and personal integration.
THO3169 - Liturgy and Experience : An Introduction to Christian Worship
Exploring the dimensions of human experience in terms of the common prayer of the Christian community through a consideration of sacred time, space, symbols, language and music; Jewish origins of Christian worship; the history of the Western liturgy. The structure and dynamics of the eucharistic liturgy, the liturgy of the hours, the liturgical year, and inculturation.
THO3170 - Proclaiming the Word of God in the Liturgy
The theology and practice of preaching in the context of the liturgy, with attention to the structure of the liturgical year and the Sunday lectionary of readings. Practical experience in the preparation and delivery of a homily.
THO3171 - Introduction to ministry
Learning and growth in pastoral ministry through critical reflection in small groups and integration of academic knowledge, personal experience, and the practice of ministry.
THO3172 - Faith and Contemporary Culture
An exploration of the dialogical stance of the Christian churches, at once learning from the riches of contemporary culture and sent in service to the human community. Challenges to the enculturation of the gospel. Contextualization of theologies to reflect the lives of particular communities.
THO3177 - Faith, Ethics, and the Anthropocene
Brief overview of global heating, bio-diversity and species population losses and other threats to human and planetary well-being now being incurred as a direct result of human activity; the role of an “expanding theology” and ethics in regard to the world and universe as understood by science in the past several centuries; forms of understanding and vocabulary necessary to address major planetary issues of the 21st century; avenues for transcending inadequate smaller-scale paradigms; thinking theologically and ethically about human responsibility in the Anthropocene and its relation to communication of the Gospel in 21st century.
THO4101 - How does God respond to injustice? Understanding the prophets
General introduction to the prophets through a comparative study, with attention to their cultural, ethical, and religious contexts. The evolution of prophetic literature towards an apocalyptic form and the meaning of apocalyptic literature.
THO4102 - Freedom, Law and Justice: Paul's letters
An overview of the life of Paul and his work. Exegesis of selected letters, with special attention to his understanding of law, justice, and freedom in Christ.
THO4103 - What is truth? The Gospel of John
A study of Johannine writings, their structure, theology, and cultural setting. Exegesis of selected passages in the Gospel of John and Letters of John, and the Apocalypse. Special attention given to the meaning of “truth” and “life”.
THO4104 - Selfhood and Sexual Ethics
The meaning of human sexuality in social, psychological and Christian perspective. Sexuality and personal growth. Discernment of moral values in sexual behaviour.
Prerequisite: THO 3166. -
THO4105 - Spiritual Life and Social Justice
The principles of Catholic social teaching and their significance for life in contemporary society and culture. The human being as personal and social being; respect for human rights; freedom in the socio-political context; society as the milieu of personal growth.
Prerequisite: THO3166. -
THO4106 - The Ethics of Medicine, Sickness and Health
An exploration of contemporary ethical issues relating to health and the integrity of the human person: respect for human life; the right to physical integrity; genetics; abortion, euthanasia and the end of human life.
Prerequisite: THO 3166. -
THO4107 - Creation and responsability : Theological anthropology
Christian anthropology. Responsibility and freedom of the human person as co-creator. Sin and the problem of evil. Relationship between creation and redemption. Creation and a scientific world view. Ecology and theology.
THO4108 - Theological Thinking
Divine grace and human freedom. Historical development of the theology of grace. Christian existence as faith, hope, and love. God’s presence in the world and in the human person. Contemporary challenges.
THO4109 - Sin and the Question of Evil
Understanding the meaning of sin: personal, social, and original. Conversion, finitude, culpability. The anthropological and Christian significance of suffering, death, and evil.
Prerequisite: THO 3162. -
THO4110 - The Eucharist
The origins of the eucharist and the meaning of a sacrament. History and theology of the eucharist from New Testament times through the Middle Ages to today. The eucharist as sacrifice and as memorial of the paschal mystery. Eucharist and experience of God.
Prerequisite: THO3169. -
THO4131 - Toward a Moral Economy
Disputed questions on ethics in economic life. Dialogue of faith and economic history. Dynamics and current challenges of labor, immigration and globalism from perspective of Catholic social thought.
THO4132 - The Church and Indigenous Peoples
Indigenous and non-Indigenous theological and pastoral voices. History of and process of reconciliation, theological and pastoral questions related to Indigenous Peoples, and current debates. The Indigenous resurgence and its implications for the churches and theology.
THO4160 - Introduction to pastoral care
Interaction between theology and psychology with reference to pastoral ministry, the experience of the believer, the development of faith and of religious attitudes. The pastoral implications of psychological theories of the individual and his/her social relations: impact on cognitive processes, emotion, behaviour, competence, values. Psychological perspectives on the pastoral minister’s practice, role and identity.
THO4161 - Sociological Perspectives on Christian Community
Interaction between theology and sociology with reference to pastoral ministry. A study of the pastoral implications of socio-historical structures, and of social and cultural change. Analysis of how the social milieu forms the way people think, feel and act, and the reflection on the importance of this formation for values and beliefs. Sociological perspectives on Christian communities’ practice, role and identity.
THO4162 - Practicum in Ministry I
Students are engaged in the practice of ministry while working under supervision in a local church or other ministry setting (a minimum of 8 hours per week). The student is introduced to theological research and reflection in pastoral practice & leadership enabling them to become a reflective practitioner of Christian ministry. The student will become familiar with basic resources for intentional practice: creation of a pastoral profile, learning contracts, disciplined individual and group reflection, supervisory relationships, introduction to professional ethics, race relations, Indigenous relations and interpersonal skills.
Graded S/NS. -
THO4163 - Practicum in Ministry II
This practicum continues the experience gained in THO4162.
Graded S/NS.
Prerequisite: THO4162 -
THO4164 - Practicum in Ministry III
This practicum continues the experience gained in THO4163.
Graded S/NS.
Prerequisite: THO4163 -
THO4165 - Practicum in Ministry IV
This practicum continues the experience gained in THO4164.
Graded S/NS.
Prerequisite: THO4164 -
THO4201 - Sacramental Theology
Sacramental worldview. Historical development, theological interpretation, and communal practice of the sacraments. Baptism, confirmation, eucharist, reconciliation, anointing of the sick, marriage, and holy orders. Sacraments in the life of the church. Implications of the sacraments for the spiritual life and social justice.
THO4202 - World Christianity
A historical exploration of the emergence of Christianity as a worldwide faith with an emphasis on the modern period. The changing face of Christianity, with attention to the changing demographics diverse “families” of churches and the developments in differing geographic regions.
THO4203 - Christianity in a Secular Age
Christian faith in a world of religious pluralism; church and state; freedom of religion; differing approaches to the secularity and secularism. Dialogue between faith and science, faith and atheism.
THO4204 - Christianity and Religious plurality
Exploring theological approaches to the fact of religious pluralism. Historical perspectives on the question of salvation outside the church; Catholic teaching and commitment to dialogue with other faiths; exclusivist, inclusivist and pluralist approaches.
THO4205 - Theologies of ordained and Lay ministry
An exploration of the biblical foundation, historical evolution and modern developments in the ordering of ministries in the church, with attention to forms and practice of ordained and lay ecclesial ministries, and the vocation of the laity in the world.
THO4206 - Ministry Integration Project
Theological reflection integrating learning from courses and practicum placements through a community-based project, creative project, or paper. Graded S/NS.
THO4302 - Leadership in Faith Formation
Theological reflection on the practice and principles of catechesis. The development and growth of faith in current pastoral contexts. Methodologies, learning styles, growth processes and approaches tailored in view of various groups and settings.
THO4303 - Leadership in Christian Liturgy
Theological reflection on the liturgical experience and expression of Christian communities. Principles, dynamics, and actualization of liturgical celebration, including sacraments, paraliturgies and prayer services. Roles and ministries in liturgical celebrations.