HTP1102 - Approaches in the Humanities: Interpreting the Human Experience
Introduction to theoretical approaches in the Humanities and to the methods that are applied to interpret the multiple expressions of human experience, particularly those expressed in important works of art and literature.
HTP1103 - People, Social Justice and Ecology
Social and ecological challenges facing humanity today, and related issues of social justice. These questions will be examined from a perspective of community building and efforts towards ecological and social transformations for a hopeful future.
HTP1105 - Critical Analysis, Reading and Writing Academic Works
Development of abilities to critically read and understand academic works. Focus on formal writing skills: techniques of clear expression and construction of texts, argument development and organization. This course also includes a library laboratory component with focus on research skills, citations, and academic integrity.
HTP1106 - The First Peoples in Canada
Indigenous and non-Indigenous perspectives on the First Peoples of Canada, cultural diversity, traditional practices and beliefs, relationship with the environment, changing roles and structures influenced by colonization. Contemporary issues faced by First Nations, Métis and Inuit, including cultural genocide and trauma.
ISC1308 - Introduction to New Media
Initiation to the techniques of communication and to the study of media. Trough basic exercises initiation to the laws of image from the perspective of the communication studies, to design and to photography. Audiovisual editing (image and sound), computer software and new technologies of communication.
ISC1310 - Communication Research and Methodology
Basics of methodology in communication. Distinction between argumentation and empirical research. Distinction between qualitative and quantitative research. Key principles of qualitative and quantitative work.
ISC2301 - Communication and Organizations
Definition of an organization. Usual approaches to communication within the organizations: functionalist, strategic, critical, and cultural. The change management issue. Impact of technology.
ISC2306 - Media and Ethics
Constitutive elements of ethical behavior. Basic ethical criteria in media communication. Rights in communication situations. Deontology codes in use in several institutions. Case analysis in media praxis: persuasion communication and fiction.
ISC2307 - Introduction to Communication
Initiation to the language of communication. Main concepts. Most usual models in communication studies. Functions of communication. Communication scales from the personal interactions to mediated communication.
ISC2313 - Electronic Journalism
Initiation to news gathering. Verification procedures. Initiation to writing for electronic media. Initiation to news presentation. Initiation to radio and TV interview.
ISC2326 - Print Media: Writing Principles
Rules in information writing. The course will clarify the links between the apprenticeship of press writing and press reading. The course will also present the press writing rules in a broader theoretical context. Basic techniques concerning news gathering, story processing and diffusion of information in written press. News, reportage and editorial. Lectures and praxis.
ISC2328 - Communication Plan
Definition of campaign, objectives, target audience, channel, public environment, etc. Planning of strategic communications. Development of a communication plan; evaluation processes. Project management.
ISC2329 - Interpersonal Communication
Main theories and techniques of analysis in the process of interpersonal communication. Conditions for successful interpersonal communication. Experiential learning in professional contexts as in other situations. Non-verbal communication.
ISC2331 - Conceptions of Society
Great traditions in social thought. In particular: the functionalist tradition; the conflictual tradition; the interactionist tradition; the economical conceptions of social reality.
ISC2337 - Special Topics in Social Communications I
Study of a topic from a specific analytical or theoretical perspective.
ISC2342 - Strategic Communication Tools
Initiation to the use of basic tools required for successful strategic communications. Research and analysis tools. Writing messages and integrating them to images, photographs and video. Press and media relations. Exhibits and promotional items. Use of social media.
ISC3300 - Theories of Mediated Communication
Theories on the nature and the psychological, social and cultural influence of mediated communication. Introduction to the understanding of “magic ball” theories, of selective influence, of social differentiation, of indirect influence, of social organization, of the social construction of reality, etc.
ISC3301 - Social Marketing
Marketing in general, social marketing and advertising and related communication tools. Basic concepts; application of the marketing and advertising approaches to the promotion of social ideas, values and causes: product and audience analysis, identification of marketing and communications objectives, campaign evaluation.
ISC3302 - Media and Great Social Debates
This is a course on key social debates concerning media and new media. In particular: information and the public sphere; status of minorities; great culture VS popular culture; great fears (sexuality, rumors, violence, consumption, death and religion).
ISC3303 - Professional Ethics in Communication
Professional Ethics in Communication Overview of approaches to professional ethics covering different subject areas of social communications including: news journalism, public relations, advertising and marketing. Ethical codes and regulation. Case studies.
ISC3305 - Psycho Sociology of Mass Communications
Main theories and concepts in social psychology useful for the understanding of following phenomena: communication, progression of the information and their effects. Classical concepts: attitudes, attribution, persuasion, cognitive dissonance. Mains concepts of contemporary social cognition theories: bias, heuristics.
ISC3309 - Creating Media Programming
Television, radio and cross media genres. Stages of production: from the original project, to creating the show, to scriptwriting, to the multiplatform strategy.
ISC3312 - Photography: Semiology of Image
Introduction to the language of images within the study of communications. Expressive value of the image and communication. Cultural iconic codes. Semiology of the image. Image as a language in relation to discourse and the weight it carries in a media context.
ISC3318 - Content Analysis
Different theories and techniques to analyze content. Critical study of different types of messages: information, entertainment, advertising, etc.
ISC3319 - Special Topics in Communications II
Study of a topic from a specific analytical or theoretical perspective.
ISC3320 - Internship I
Practical application of acquired knowledge. Activities monitored by a supervisor in a professional communication setting. Writing of practicum report. Graded S/NS.
ISC3326 - Advanced Research in Communication
Acquisition of tools for academic work and of the methodological fundamentals for communication studies research. Developing reading and writing skills specific to the humanities and social sciences. Plan a research project, formulating the objective, conducting the literature review and identifying an appropriate methodology.
ISC3327 - Theories of Social Communication
In depth presentation of several theories. Particularly on the following: technologies and their impacts; networks and systems; culture and symbolism; conflicts and ideologies; critical theories; contributions from neurosciences.
ISC3331 - Knowing the Media
Evolution and future of great media. Commercial logic and business models. Understanding media issues in specific social contexts. National media reality and globalization.
ISC3339 - Introduction to Public Relations
History and basic models of public relations. Main approaches, tools, audiences, work environment. Management, marketing, advertising, public affairs. Case studies.
ISC3350 - Contemporary Journalism Practices
Journalism in the Internet age. Traditional journalism and new intermediaries of information. Integration of new means of collecting, processing, selecting, prioritizing and broadcasting information.
Prerequisite: ISC2326 -
ISC4300 - Argumentation and Persuasive Communication
Elements of the theory of argumentation. Concept of arguments in communication. Writing and public intervention exercises.
ISC4302 - Social Communications and Social Media
Concept of social communication. Evolution of the Web and advent of social media. Types of social media and their main uses. Social media and current practices in communication.
ISC4304 - Media and Religious Traditions
Historical clashes between the media and religious traditions. Culture, religious traditions and the media. Possible divergences and convergences. Religious traditions and new technologies.
ISC4305 - Communications for Sustainable Development
Evolution of the concept of sustainable development and its different definitions. Role and responsibility of social communications in sustainable development. Communication strategies for implementation.
ISC4306 - Stakes Analysis
Skill development in the analysis of social and socio-political situations. Several key concepts: situations, actors, problem framing, stakes, constraints. Identifying social and communication issues. Case analysis.
ISC4314 - Communication and Anthropology
Notions of culture and socialization. Myths and rituals. Imagination and rationality. Social construction of meaning. Types of human being in media culture, types changed through modern experience of social communication. Institutionalized communication.
ISC4320 - Internship II
Practical application of acquired knowledge. Activities monitored by a supervisor in a professional communication setting. Writing of practicum report. Graded S/NS.
ISC4330 - Research or Directed Study
Individual or small group study on a topic corresponding to the needs or particular interests of students. Record of accomplishments. Possibility of recognizing a relevant professional activity in the communication or information sectors.