Faculty of Theology

Université Saint Paul University (USP SPU)
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La Faculté de théologie : la pensée critique au service de la foi

L’Écriture et la Tradition constituent les fondements essentiels de la théologie. À la Faculté de théologie, la recherche théologique est enrichie par une connaissance approfondie des sources bibliques et patristiques, en accord avec la tradition intellectuelle catholique.

Conformément à l’enseignement œcuménique de Vatican II, la Faculté offre, en collaboration avec le diocèse anglican d’Ottawa, un programme d’études anglicanes au premier cycle et accueille des étudiants et étudiantes de différentes communautés ecclésiales.

La Faculté de théologie valorise la recherche et l’enseignement solides au service de l’Église et du bien commun de la société. Elle offre une variété de programmes pour les personnes qui se préparent à un ministère particulier ou qui poursuivent l’étude critique dans un des champs de la théologie, incluant les études bibliques, les études du christianisme oriental, l’éthique, la spiritualité, la théologie systématique et historique, ainsi que la théologie pratique.


The primary aim of the Faculty of Theology is to prepare specialists for the service of the Church and of society. Students will be able to use the resources of the University as their career goals dictate: either to become competent in the areas of scientific research and teaching or to acquire the theological education needed for an informed pastoral commitment.

Programs are designed to help students receive a progressive initiation to the whole of theology and to develop their capacity for reflection and personal study. The Faculty offers its students the preparation for an academic career, the instruction required for the reception of Orders and the theological education needed for serious apostolic involvement.

Teaching Policy

The Faculty is convinced that theology would become sterile were it separated from Scripture and the living tradition of the Church. Consonant with the spirit and directions of Vatican II, emphasis is placed on the biblical and patristic sources. The various systems of thought which enrich reflection on revealed truth are stressed as well. The Faculty is also committed to promoting interdisciplinary research, especially in the areas of philosophy, psychology, sociology, and cultural anthropology.

Lectures introduce students to the whole of Christian doctrine. Professors are not bound to follow any particular textbook. They are urged to develop and consolidate their own area of specialization and to bring to bear their own intellectual creativity in light of the present-day challenges facing the Church and society.

The Faculty endeavours to link its academic requirements as a university body to specialized pastoral training. It aims to provide its students with an academic training of high calibre; at the same time, it seeks to cooperate with the various religious communities and diocesan organizations in order to secure the most complete pastoral training not only for those preparing for ministry and priesthood but also for all categories of students.

Ecclesiastical and Civil Degrees

Saint Paul University confers ecclesiastical degrees by virtue of its pontifical charter. Civil degrees are conferred jointly by Saint Paul University and University of the Ottawa by virtue of their federation.


The timetables are drawn up in such a way that, in most instances, a student may take a course either in French or in English. The student is thus provided with larger and more diversified course offerings. Besides this advantage, the study of theology in French and English opens wider vistas to students and better prepares them to dialogue with others in the Church.

Different Christian and Theological Traditions

While rooted in the Western Roman Catholic tradition, the Faculty benefits from the theological richness of all the Christian Churches and theological traditions. This is reflected in the fact that the Faculty includes programs which have as their focus the Anglican tradition and the Eastern Christian tradition. All students interested in pursuing serious theological studies are welcome.

Feminist Perspectives

Feminist perspectives and courses are offered regularly by the Faculty, usually in Contemporary Theology and Selected Topics courses. For more information, please contact the Faculty.


The international teaching personnel is actively involved in serving the Church beyond the walls of the University by their publications and expert advice to the Holy See, to bishops and religious superiors, as well as to clergy and laity alike.

Faculty staff


  • Lundi le 29 avril 2024
    Faire mémoire de nos racines. Tracer l’avenir . La théologie : hier, aujourd’hui et demain.