Part-time professor | Faculty staff
E-mail : Hanaa.sfeir@ustpaul.ca
Holder of a Ph.D. in Contemporary Religious Studies from the University of Sherbrooke, a Doctorate in Pharmacy, and a Master’s in Philosophy from the Lebanese University, Hanaa Sfeir is a part-time professor at the Faculty of Theology at St. Paul University – Ottawa, and a lecturer at the University of Sherbrooke – Quebec. Her research interests focus on the dialectic of divine unity and the multiplicity of creation from philosophical, psychoanalytic, and theological perspectives. She works on various research projects: Dialectic of divine unity and the multiplicity of its manifestations; Francophone theology in Canada; Catholicism in the collective imagination of Sherbrooke residents; Cultural and religious cosmologies; the concept of the Trinity in philosophy and theology; etc. She is a research member of SoDRUS (Centre de recherche Société, Droit et Religions de l’Université de Sherbrooke), a member of l’Institut d’étude et de recherche théologique en interculturalité, migration et mission (IERTIMM) and a member of the editorial board of the journal Histoire Engagée.