Centre on the Churches, Truth, and Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples

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The Centre on the Churches, Truth, and Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples at the Faculty of Theology of Saint Paul University promotes theological research and learning in the service of reconciliation with Indigenous peoples. Following the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) issued in 2015, the Centre responds to the TRC’s Calls to Action, which summon theological institutions to “learn about their church’s role in colonization,” (59), educate their students to prevent future spiritual violence, and to work for reconciliation (60).

Established in 2021, the Centre supports collaborative and interdisciplinary research by bringing faculty, students, researchers, practitioners, and Indigenous elders together into a community of scholars to reimagine Christian communities in Canada and new, right relationships with Indigenous Peoples.

The Centre honours its ongoing partnership with Kateri Native Ministry of Ottawa.

The Centre takes its mandate from Call to Action #60:

We call upon leaders of the church parties to the Settlement Agreement and all other faiths, in collaboration with Indigenous spiritual leaders, Survivors, schools of theology, seminaries, and other religious training centres, to develop and teach curriculum for all student clergy, and all clergy and staff who work in Aboriginal communities, on the need to respect Indigenous spirituality in its own right, the history and legacy of residential schools and the roles of the church parties in that system, the history and legacy of religious conflict in Aboriginal families and communities, and the responsibility that churches have to mitigate such conflicts and prevent spiritual violence.


The Centre facilitates a wide range of activities across the life of the university and the wider community with Indigenous elders, including seminars, workshops, courses, retreats, and conferences.

Graduate Seminar

Doctoral students and faculty meet regularly in the Graduate Seminar to explore and present scholarship on the topics of Truth and Reconciliation.


The Centre publishes a series in collaboration with Novalis, New Paths for the Churches and Indigenous Peoples.

Courses sponsored by the Centre

Upcoming Courses

  • THO 4131 – The Church and Indigenous Peoples (Winter 2025)

This course explores the role of the Churches within the current calls in Canada for reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples. Using a hermeneutical approach to theological self-reflection for the purpose of transformed action, students will begin to situate themselves in the question of Indigenous–Settler relations in Canada as part of a faith-based commitment to deepen engagement to live reconciliation. This course includes encounters with Indigenous and non-Indigenous theological, pastoral, and other voices through guest presentations, discussions, and readings.

Past Courses

  • THO 4133/6301 – Exploring a Settler Decolonial Engagement

This course explores practical theology for renewed settler Christian engagement. Guided by the decolonial methodology developed by Elaine Enns and Ched Myers in their book, Healing Haunted Histories, the course explores perceptions of Christian “response-ability” and offers a way to engage in decolonial practices.

  • THO 3149/6302 – Church and Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples: Framing the Ecclesial and Theological Questions

With contributions by more than fifteen Indigenous and non-Indigenous theologians, ecclesial leaders, academics, and activists, this course offers a brief historical background and an update on the state of the reconciliation processes in various ecclesial and social contexts. Presentations will focus on identifying the present ecclesial and theological questions and challenges as well as the progress made since the final report of the TRC and the Calls to Action.


The Master of Divinity program at the Faculty of Theology offers a series of microprograms, including a program on “Churches and Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples” in collaboration with the Centre.

Other Opportunities for Learning

Other activities of the Centre have included:

  • Faculty of Theology Retreat with Indigenous Elders (April 28–30, 2022)
  • Presentation: “Self-Determination & Reconciliation? — Reflections on the Indigenous Anglican Church,” Rev. Dr. Ray Aldred, Director of the Indigenous Studies Program, Vancouver School of Theology (March 23, 2023), in partnership with the Anglican Studies Program at Saint Paul University and the All My Relations Circle of the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa
  • Webinar: “In Conversation about the Doctrine of Discovery,” Archbishop Donald Bolen, Dr. Christine Jamieson, and Noah MacDonald, moderated by Dr. Michel Andraos (April 19, 2023)
  • Workshop: “Roots of Reconciliation” by Returning to Spirit (May 4–7, 2024)


Advisory Board

More information coming soon.

Associate Coordinators
Graduate Research Associates

The Graduate Research Associates are doctoral students whose research is related to the churches, truth, and reconciliation. They regularly contribute to the scholarly mandate of the Centre.

  • Erik Sorensen, SJ
  • Joshua Zentner-Barrett
  • Nnaemeka Ali, OMI


Mark your calendars for a conference hosted by the Centre on November 1–2, 2024 at Saint Paul University. More information is available at:


Centre on the Churches, Truth, and Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples

Université Saint-Paul
223 rue Main
Ottawa (Ontario)
K1S 1C4
