The Anglican Studies Program was established by the Faculty of Theology at Saint Paul University and the (Anglican) Diocese of Ottawa in 1981 to prepare candidates for both lay and ordained ministries in the Anglican Church through university-level theological formation. While the formation of postulants for ordination remains integral to the Anglican Studies Program, many other Anglicans from the Diocese of Ottawa and beyond find themselves at the University.
The Anglican Studies Program belongs to the network of Anglican colleges and universities of Canada, and is a member of the Ontario Provincial Commission on Theological Education (Anglican Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario).
A Unique Program of Anglican Theological Education in Canada at Saint Paul University
Saint Paul University, federated with the University of Ottawa and rooted in the Roman Catholic tradition with a pontifical charter, has been involved in theological education for over a century. With its unique location in the national capital between the Rideau River and the Rideau Canal, and close to a long network of bicycle paths, it provides a setting conducive to study, recreation, and reflection. Faculty, staff, and students come from all parts of the world and represent a variety of Christian traditions. Saint Paul University is a bilingual teaching and research centre, offering courses in both English and French.
Common study, worship, and social activities allow for a distinctive Canadian ecumenical and cross-cultural experience, ensuring an eclectic context for a rich understanding and appreciation of Anglican identity.
Academic Formation
Academic formation features a thorough grounding in the major theological disciplines, including courses in Anglican tradition, liturgy, and theology.
Persons seeking ordination to the priesthood in the Anglican Church of Canada usually undertake the Master of Divinity (M.Div.) program, unless otherwise directed by their bishop. Students in other programs, such as the Bachelor of Arts or the Master of Theological Studies, may also take Anglican-specific courses in consultation with the director of the Anglican Studies program.
Saint Paul University houses the Jean-Léon Allie Library, which, with its more than 400,000 volumes and approximately 1,200 current periodicals, is widely recognized as one of the leading theological research facilities in North America. It has especially strong collections in theology, liturgy, ecumenism, and mediæval studies. The library holding for Anglican studies alone tallies some 4,500 volumes.
Pastoral Formation
Field placements and pastoral experience constitute key elements of the Anglican Studies Program and are scheduled over the years of study. Placements are arranged in consultation with the Program director. The faculty partners with parishes, social service agencies, and hospitals to provide rich experiences of contextual learning. Placements constitute supervised opportunities for learning that allow students to develop their own pastoral, liturgical, and leadership skills.
Liturgy and Community Life
Theological and pastoral formation in the Anglican Studies Program takes place within the context of a worshipping community. During the term, Morning Prayer is celebrated daily and the Eucharist weekly. These formative and sustaining activities of the Anglican community, set within the rich ecumenical context of Saint Paul University, are a way of living out the ancient dictum lex orandi, lex credendi. All Anglicans are invited (and postulants for ordination are required) to participate in the regular liturgical life of the Anglican community at Saint Paul University, as well as in such extracurricular activities as retreats, quiet days, and workshops.