TLTS is proud to introduce our OPEN LEARNING VIDEOS (MOOCs, MOOSES and LECTURES) for your Life-Long Learning needs.
- Produced and recorded on location at Saint Paul University.
- Teaching and Learning Technologies Services studio is fully equipped with green screen and the latest recording software.
- Our guest speakers, professors and talent offer insightful and thought-provoking talks and lectures for your online learning experience.
- The studio is also used to record pedagogical videos for our online courses as well as promotional videos for our study programs.
- Professor Vern Redekop speaks to us about Human Identity Needs.
- Professor Vern Redekop speaks to us about Lateral Violence.
- HOW TO CREATE CAPTIVATING AND ENGAGING PRESENTATIONS! Tips and techniques presented by Hélène Meloche in collaboration with Computer and Distance Education Services
- Professor Vern Redekop speaks to us about Mimetic Forgiveness as a Necessary Aspect of Peacebuilding. This is part of a series on Conflict Reconciliation and Peacebuilding.
- Professor Vern Redekop speaks to us about An Ethical Vision for Inclusive Action in Economic Development. This is part of a series on Conflict Reconciliation and Peacebuilding.
- Together in Christ: Lutherans and Catholics Commemorate the Reformation, 2017 – Watch all five video sessions.
- SPU's Public Seminars on Psychology for Everyday Living – Check what is coming up!
- Discover SPU’s programs with our professors!
- Professor Richard Feist on What is an Argument?
- Professor Richard Feist talks to us about Director Ridley Scott
- Professor Richard Feist on Film Adaptive Theory: The Basics
- Professor Richard Feist on What is a Text?
- Professor Richard Feist talks to us about Philip K. Dick.
- Professor Richard Feist gives us some background information on John Locke.
- Navigating the Wilderness: Tool Kit for Surviving Your PhD in Counselling and Spirituality with Professors Bellehumeur and Bilodeau
- Disputatio: Breaking Gods – Monotheism and/as Religion Critique – Public lecture and discussion with Professor Marc De Kesel
- An introduction to the Second Vatican Council's Pastoral Council on the Church in the Modern World, Gaudium et Spes (1965), for the 50th anniversary of its publication. Presented by Professor Catherine E. Clifford, Director, Research Centre on Vatican II and 21st Century Catholicism.
- So You Want to Write a Thesis – Professor Vern Neufeld Redekop
- From Violence to Blessing: Overview of Key Ideas – Professor Vern Neufeld Redekop
- Social Reconciliation and Economic Development – An Introduction by Professor Vern Neufeld Redekop
- In a series of short video clips, Father Peter Galadza explains the book The Divine Liturgy: An Anthology for Worship.
- CDES collaborates with Studios Siloas – Msgr Roger Ébacher is guest lecturer on La Parole Expliquée: Le Dimanche de la parabole des talents. (French only)