Lauren Michelle Levesque
Lauren Michelle Levesque is an Associate Professor in the Providence School of Transformative Leadership and Spirituality. Her research interests include arts-based research, engaged scholarship, musical performance, and nonviolent social change.
- Creativity
- Music
- Non-violent Social change
- Art and social transformation
- Arts-based Research
PhD Theology/Spirituality, Saint Paul University, 2013
MA Religious Studies, Queen’s University, 2006
BTh Saint Paul University, 2005
BMus Mount Allison University, 2000
- Autoethnographic and arts-based research on listening and the sonic dimensions of local spaces
- Song and space in the field of music in peace-building
Books edited:
Advancing Nonviolence and Social Transformation: New Perspectives on Nonviolent Theories, ed. by H. Eaton and L.M. Levesque, Equinox Publishing, 2016, p. 364.
Chapters in books:
Levesque, L.M., Arts Literacy and Nonviolent Social Change: Reenvisioning Spirituality through Creative Practice, in V.N. Redekop and G.N. Redekop (eds), Transforming: Applying Spirituality, Emergent Creativity and Reconciliation, Vol. 2 (Lexington Books, 2021), pp. 225-241.
Levesque, L.M., Music and Nonviolence: Reflections on Possibility and Hope, in H. Eaton and L.M. Levesque, Advancing Nonviolence and Social Transformation: New Perspectives on Nonviolent Theories, (Equinox Publishing, 2016), pp. 281-291.
Levesque, L.M., CODEPINK – la contribution de l’espoir et de la créativité pour une spiritualité engagé en temps de guerre, in P. Daviau (ed), Femmes artisanes de paix. Des profils à découvrir, (Médiapaul, 2013), pp. 233-251.
Papers in refereed journals:
Levesque, L.M., Restoring Trust through Failure: An Exploration of Singing as Reflective Practice and its Role in Nonviolent Social Change, Journal of Transdisciplinary Peace Praxis, vol. 1, no. 2 (July 2019): 154-173.
Levesque, L.M., and Ferguson, D., Space, Music and Arts in Action, Special Issue: Keywords for Music and Peacebuilding (Volume 2), vol. 7, no. 3 (December 2020): 85-102. https://musicandartsinaction.net/index.php/maia/article/view/221/space