Admission requirements | Saint Paul University

Ph.D. in Theology

Faculty of Theology

Université Saint Paul University (USP SPU)
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Admission Requirements 

To be admitted to the PhD program:

  • The candidate must hold a MA(Th) degree of the University of Ottawa/Saint Paul with a minimum 75 per cent (B+) average, or its equivalent.
  • Among the applicants who meet this requirement, only those whose academic record gives assurance that they are able to succeed and to make a personal contribution to the field of theological studies will be accepted as candidates to the doctorate.
  • The candidate must master either English or French and have a passive knowledge (ability to follow lectures and to read) of the other language.
  • To be admitted in the biblical studies stream, candidates must have a basic knowledge (Level 1 – Introduction) of Hebrew and of Greek. They must acquire an intermediate level (level 2) of competence in Hebrew and Greek before presentation of the thesis project.
  • The Faculty may require a candidate to acquire certain skills deemed necessary for the achievement of the research project (for example, knowledge of a language, basic knowledge of other disciplines).
  • Provide two confidential letters of recommendation from professors who have know the applicant and are familiar with the student work.
  • Provide a detailed draft of their proposed research project.

Student Transfers From Other Universities

Students who transfer from other universities may receive credit for work already done, but are normally expected to complete the major part of the requirements for the degree at Saint Paul University. Doctoral candidates transferring from another university to complete their degree at Saint Paul University may be given advanced standing for work and residence already completed elsewhere. However, in all such cases, doctoral candidates must complete at least one year of full-time residence, complete 12 units in their area of study and pass a preliminary examination at Saint Paul University.

Transfer from Master’s to PhD

Program Students enrolled in the MA program may be allowed to transfer to the PhD program without being required to write a master’s thesis provided they meet the following conditions:

  • Achievement of an A- average in the last two years of undergraduate studies;
  • Completion of at least four graduate courses (12 units) with a grade of A- or better in each;
  • Satisfactory progress in the thesis program;
  • Written recommendation by the supervisor;
  • Approval by the graduate studies committee.

The student must request permission to fast-track during the fourth session of registration or earlier and must register in the PhD in the fifth session at the latest. Following the transfer, all of the requirements of the doctoral program must be met.

Some additional documents, and in some cases specific forms, are required. For more information, please see the page Step 4: Gather the documents needed for the assessment of your application.