Courses | Saint Paul University

Honours B.A. with Major in Human Relations and Spirituality

School of Counselling , Psychotherapy and Spirituality

Université Saint Paul University (USP SPU)
  • ECS3123 - Psychological Impacts of Conflicts

    A multidisciplinary examination of trauma: Disruption of responsive mechanisms. Decision making in crises. Contributing factors affecting the impact of trauma. Conflict and psychological transformation.
    Prerequisites: PSY1101 and PSY1102 or IPA1121 and IPA1122.

  • HTP1102 - Approaches in the Humanities: Interpreting the Human Experience

    Introduction to theoretical approaches in the Humanities and to the methods that are applied to interpret the multiple expressions of human experience, particularly those expressed in important works of art and literature.

  • HTP1103 - People, Social Justice and Ecology

    Social and ecological challenges facing humanity today, and related issues of social justice. These questions will be examined from a perspective of community building and efforts towards ecological and social transformations for a hopeful future.

  • HTP1105 - Critical Analysis, Reading and Writing Academic Works

    Development of abilities to critically read and understand academic works. Focus on formal writing skills: techniques of clear expression and construction of texts, argument development and organization. This course also includes a library laboratory component with focus on research skills, citations, and academic integrity.

  • HTP1106 - The First Peoples in Canada

    Indigenous and non-Indigenous perspectives on the First Peoples of Canada, cultural diversity, traditional practices and beliefs, relationship with the environment, changing roles and structures influenced by colonization. Contemporary issues faced by First Nations, Métis and Inuit, including cultural genocide and trauma.

  • IPA1121 - Human Behavior and Spirituality: Theoretical Foundations

    Purpose and method of psychology. Historical perspective. Bases of the nervous system, consciousness. Sensory processes, perception, cognition, memory, language and thought. Emotions and motivation. Learning process. Introduction to fundamental theoretical psychology of religion.

    This course cannot be combined for credit with PSY1101.

  • IPA1122 - Human Behavior and Spirituality: Empirical Observations

    Heredity, environment and human development. Intelligence. Personality. Mental health, abnormal behavior and therapeutic approaches. Social psychology. Introduction to empirical research in contemporary psychology of religion.

    This course cannot be combined for credit with PSY1102.

  • IPA2109 - Internship I

    The practical application of acquired theoretical knowledge in a professional setting. Internship of a minimum of 120 to 150 professionally supervised hours in a Human Relations environment. Incorporates a cumulative reflective practice component to encourage the critical integration of theory and practice. Production of a detailed practicum report. Graded S/NS.

    Prerequisites: Minimum of 12 IPA credits and GPA of B.

  • IPA2121 - Perspectives on Psycho-Social Human Behavior

    History and research methods. The self: content and process. Perceptions, cognitions and attributions. Social influence, attitudes and changes in attitudes. Communication and interpersonal skills. Aggression and helping behavior. Overview of groups and intergroup relations: A study leadership, prejudice and discrimination. Applications. Highlighted according to the themes, specific contributions of the main theories.

    Prerequisites: 30 university credits (except for students in Certificate in Human Relations and Spirituality).
    Prerequisite or concomitant: IPA1121 or IPA1122.

  • IPA2122 - Research Methods and Ethics in Human Sciences (Qualitative Approach)

    Introduction to the philosophy of science and epistemology. Research ethics. The creation of a research plan: questions, hypotheses, variables, and data analysis methods. Documentaries and qualitative methods: bibliographic research, historical research, interviews, case studies, and observation. Specific problems in the study of ethnic and religious conflicts and human relationships and spirituality.

    Prerequisites: 30 university credits (except for students in Certificate in Human Relations and Spirituality) and IPA1121.
    Prerequisite or concomitant: IPA1122.

  • IPA2123 - Research Methods in Human Sciences (Quantitative Approach)

    Project preparation and quantitative comparative research. Use of databases. Surveys and polls. Statistical analysis: correlation, regression, trends, covariance and statistical inference. Examples from the study of ethnic conflicts and religious and human relationships and spirituality.

    Prerequisites: IPA1121 and IPA1122.

  • IPA2126 - Developmental Psychology, Spirituality and Religiosity from Childhood to Adolescence

    Physical, cognitive, emotional, social, spiritual and religious development from childhood to adolescence. Theoretical and empirical approaches in psychology, psychology of religion and spirituality. Development of personal maturity, social and sexual. Development of faith, spirituality and religiosity during these stages of life and how these components influence the psychological development.

    Prerequisites: IPA1121 and IPA1122.

  • IPA2127 - Developmental Psychology, Spirituality and Religiosity from Adulthood to Old Age

    Psychological, social, spiritual and religious development from young adult, adult and older adult. Transition and the tasks and challenges associated with them, the maturation, midlife, retirement, the normal aging process and changes in physical, cognitive, psychological and social functioning. Attitudes towards aging and pathological aging. Development of faith, spirituality and religiosity during these stages of life and how these components influence the psychological development.

    Prerequisites: IPA1121 and IPA1122.

  • IPA3101 - Psychology of Spiritual Experience

    Main currents in the psychology of spiritual experience, with a special focus on psychodynamic, humanist and existential theories. The relationships between spirituality and mental health. The links between spirituality and psycho-pathologies.

    Prerequisites: 30 university credits (except for students in Certificate in Human Relations and Spirituality).
    Prerequisite or concomitant: IPA1121 or IPA1122.
    This course was previously HUM2101.

  • IPA3121 - Theories of Personality

    Internal assessment and comparison of the many theories of personality. Design of the structure, dynamics, development, normality and abnormality of personality and its many applications in the field of human relationships and spirituality. Main approaches to the study of personality (psychodynamic, existential-humanistic, behavioral, and related types) and contributions of these approaches to the integration of the spiritual in the human person.

    Prerequisites: 30 university credits (except for students in Certificate in Human Relations and Spirituality).
    Prerequisite or concomitant: IPA1121 or IPA1122.

  • IPA3122 - Cultural Diversity and Religious Pluralism

    Notions of cultural psychology and psychology of religion. Impact of culture and religion on psychological processes (cognitive, sensation and perception, social behavior). Relations and communications interethnic and interreligious, multicultural and multi-faith society. Development of cultural identity and religious identity. Beliefs and prejudices, discrimination and acculturation. Mental health and well-being among immigrants and refugees from different cultures and religions. Adaptation of theoretical models and measurement instruments of psychology in multicultural and multi-faith context. Psychological assessment and intercultural psychotherapy. Ethical skills in the helping relationships in multicultural and multi-faith.

    Prerequisites: 30 university credits (except for students in Certificate in Human Relations and Spirituality).
    Prerequisite or concomitant: IPA1121 or IPA1122.

  • IPA3123 - The Helping Relationships and Ethical Considerations

    Ethical issues in the helping relationship and counselling. Concepts of values and ethical principles. Application of ethical theories to counselling practice and the complex processes involved in making ethical decisions. Considerations of the plurality of perspectives relevant to ethical considerations (theoretical literature, empirical and philosophical). Particular attention will be given to praxeology, the ethics of dialogue and experiential knowledge.

    Prerequisites: IPA1121 and IPA1122.

  • IPA3124 - Family and Spirituality

    This course combines theory-based with applied research to focuses on the family and spirituality. A historical overview provides the circumstances that gave rise to the modern nuclear family, and the different ways social arrangements are made. The course will review on family transitions that occur across the life-span: intimacy, marriage and commitment, child- bearing and child-rearing, adoption, sibling relationships, divorce, re-constituted families, child launching in the middle-years, and aging families. Lastly, the course will focuses on sociological family matters such as class and poverty issues, raising children with disabilities, family violence and sexual abuse, relationships between parents and children and among various social contexts (nursery, school, workplace). Family counselling. The place and role of spirituality within families will be examined.

    Prerequisites: IPA1121 and IPA1122.

  • IPA3126 - The Spiritual Dimensions of Leadership and Group Facilitation

    Deepening of one’s conception of spirituality and presentation of various guiding methods adapted to personal development groups: self-training, support group meetings, life experience analysis and planned action. Community cooperation and psychosocial basics are addressed.

    This course was previously ANI3112 and IGL3112.

  • IPA4121 - Basic Skills and Concepts in Counselling and Spirituality

    Main theoretical and practical guidance during interventions with individuals, couples, families and groups. Phases of psychotherapy. Attitudes and basic skills necessary for the practice of psychotherapy and integration of the spiritual component. Notions of resistance, transference and countertransference. Principles of professional ethics.

    Prerequisites: 24 IPA credits.

  • IPA4122 - Psychopathology: Causes and Impact on Human Relationships and Spirituality

    Currents of thought in psychopathology. Mental issues in the field of human relationships and spirituality. Variables, human and spiritual, that promote and / or maintain various mental disorders such as mood disorders, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, somatoform disorders and other problems relevant to the field of human relationships and spirituality.

    Prerequisites: 24 IPA credits.

  • IPA4124 - Special Topics in Human Relations and Spirituality II

    Study of a particular topic in human relationships and spirituality. The content and format may change depending on the professor.

    Prerequisites: 24 IPA credits.

  • IPA4125 - Research and Directed Work

    Readings, development, delivery and production of a major research project in human relationships and spirituality under the guidance of a teacher or a professor.

    Prerequisites: 24 IPA credits including IPA2122 and IPA2123.

  • PHI3307 - Ethics, Multiculturalism and Immigration

    This course examines the relation of ethics, multiculturalism, and immigration, studies the questions regarding the possibility of a multicultural ethics, and addresses the issues and debates arising from cultural relativism and identity politics in the functioning of modern societies.

  • PHI3309 - Ethics and Religion

    This course examines the philosophical foundations of various ethical and religious traditions and addresses the possibility of their convergence in modern liberal societies.