Indigenous Centre

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Kwe, Taanshii, Atituu, Hello, Bonjour!

Miigwetc sa kidinim oma kabihek, Saint Paul kikinamadimigwam Anishnabe akikak ka padigisik

Niwi tibadjimanan sa Anishnabek e kitenimak e kipiodamwact Akini acitc nibini

Anishnabe mega omigwam Ottawa, mi oma eji nickidadiotc kidji madinimagiotc obimadizinawa

Pekadendomwinkak acitc minadjidiwinkak kigeji mino tajikemin kakina edinizik oma Anishnabe otaki

We want to thank everyone who is present and acknowledge that Saint Paul University is located on the traditional unceded territory of the Anishnabe-Algonquin Nation.

We would like to honour the Anishnabek who are the caretakers of the lands and waters of the Kitchi Sibi (Ottawa River Valley) since time immemorial.

We acknowledge that the site of the City of Ottawa serves as the home of the Anishnabek, as a place for spiritual ceremonies, cultural gatherings, and exchanges among Indigenous people across Turtle Island.

Today, this spirit of peace and friendship is the foundation of relationships among Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples, from around the globe.

About the centre

The concept for the Centre lies in Saint Paul University’s  ‘response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action, in particular those related to education and the commitment evoked by the Universities Canada (12 February 2018) statement that fosters renewed relations between [Indigenous]  and non-[Indigenous] people in Canada by examining and modifying institutional approaches, policies, practices and structures.’

The person who truly embodies this response, and who has made it her own throughout the implementation of the project to date, is the Rector, Chantal Beauvais.

First and foremost, the Indigenous Centre is a safe and supportive space for Indigenous staff and students at Saint Paul University. The Centre’s team is on hand to support indigenous students in their academic, personal, professional and spiritual endeavours by:

  • assisting First Nations, Métis and Inuit students and staff;
  • increasing awareness among the University community of the realities of First Nations, Métis and Inuit; and
  • offering a university experience, in English and French, that includes the First Peoples.

The Centre also seeks to help foster positive relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous members of Saint Paul University by promoting Indigenous culture, values and history within the community.

The Centre welcomes all those who are interested in learning about Indigenous cultures through Indigenous world views, traditional ways of knowing and spirituality.

A Look Inside

Designed by the Indigenous architect firm Two Row Architect, the Centre’s design is rich with features and images that celebrate Indigenous cultures.