The Service is working to create a safe and appropriate space to support Indigenous students (status and non-status First Nations, Métis and Inuit) throughout their university career. Our commitment is above all geared to the needs of students. We are working with the Schools and the Faculties while taking into account programs in which students are registered.
We support their academic, personal, professional and spiritual endeavours by
- assisting First Nations, Métis and Inuit students and staff;
- increasing awareness among the SPU community of the realities of First Nations, Métis and Inuit;
- offering a university experience, in English and French, that includes the First Peoples.
Making Indigenous Relations a Priority
In light of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the recently published report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, it is more important than ever that Canadian universities engage in dialogue with Indigenous peoples, as it is clear that we have much to learn and much to do in this area.
Saint Paul University has established Indigenous Studies programs and recognizes the commitment made by Universities Canada, in its February 12, 2018, statement, to foster the renewal of relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in Canada by reviewing and amending policies, practices and institutional structures.
We know that universities must become more active in promoting the important issue of reconciliation. We understand that it is not enough for leaders to take part in ceremonies and to make general and bureaucratic statements without offering concrete solutions.
We wish to commit to a renewed relationship with Indigenous peoples, with the intention of walking together towards reconciliation.
To contribute to the transformation of relationships among peoples, the University is ready to listen and to be open to change. It is with this in mind that it created the Saint Paul University Indigenous Initiatives Service.