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Seven Secrets to How to Write and Speak Convincingly

February 12,2025

12PM – 1 pm

In-Person | Research Lab at the library

* The workshop will be in English, but the Q&A session will be in English and French.

In this second seminar of Dr. Letovsky‘s Seven Secrets workshop series, you will learn seven communication and influence secrets to use with others whether you are writing a paper, doing a presentation, or wanting to communicate more effectively at school, work, home or with friends. In this fun, interactive seminar, you will learn seven strategies that have been used by successful influencers throughout the ages.

Dr. Sharon Letovsky

Dr. Sharon Letovsky

Dr. Letovsky has spent her career teaching leadership and change in both public and private sectors as well as at the University of Ottawa’s Telfer School of Management. She is now retired and serves on the Saint Paul University Board of Governors.

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