Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) (*)
Deadline: December 2
- Value: $15,000 / 1 year: For students who want to pursue graduate studies at the master’s or doctoral level.
- Description of the OGS scholarship: Overview of the OGS
- Apply Now: OGS Application Form
- OGS Referrees Form : OGS Academic Assessment Report
(*) Important: Students with an admission scholarship must apply for an OGS. Students submitting an OGS application can request their USP transcripts free of charge by sending an email to the Registrar’s Office: registrar@ustpaul.ca, indicating the scholarship for which they are applying.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and Canadian Institutes of Health and Research (CIHR) (*)
Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la société et la culture (FQRSC)
For Students in Quebec
The Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la société et la culture (FQRSC) is dedicated to the development of research and innovation in Quebec’s social sciences, arts and humanities, covering a diverse range of disciplines, from the arts, literature and society, to organizational management, to international relations and development.
Master’s students
- Value: $17,500 per year
- Deadline: October 1.
Doctoral students
- Value: $21,000 per year
- Deadline: October 1.
Other information
- The application is completed online on the FQRSC website and students must mail all supporting documents to FQRSC by the deadline.
- Eligibility: Master’s and doctoral students, Canadians and permanent residents, residing in the province of Québec
Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarship
Each year, the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation rewards outstanding doctoral candidates who are enrolled or about to be enrolled in a social sciences and humanities program and who are doing research in areas related to the four themes of the Foundation. This award, the most prestigious of its type in Canada, has continuously attracted the very best scholars in the social sciences and humanities – individuals with a passion for public engagement and who are likely to become leading national and international figures.
Deadline: November 25
For further information: Consult the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation website.
Mitacs Accelerate Ph.D. fellowship
The Mitacs Accelerate Ph.D. fellowship gives Ph.D. students and their faculty supervisor the opportunity to work closely with a private-sector partner using the latest tools and techniques available to them in both academic and industrial settings. Valued at $30,000 per year, the three-year research project engages Ph.D. students’ expertise to address a longer-term research challenge.
For more information, please visit the Mitacs Accelerate webpage or contact accelerate@mitacs.ca.
Doctoral Travel Scholarships – Canadian Corporation for Studies in Religion (CCSR)
The Canadian Corporation for Studies in Religion has established a doctoral scholarships program to support the training of new generations of researchers in religious studies. The purpose of the scholarships is to enable advanced doctoral students to travel to conduct research related to their doctoral project.
Deadline: November 30.
The application must be submitted directly to the CCSR.
For more information about the amounts of the scholarships and the application process, visit the CCSR website.
Word & World: Theology for Christian Ministry
Essay prize for students enrolled in accredited Ph.D. or Th.D. programs in theology or religious studies.
Deadline: November 1.
Your essay must be submitted directly to the Word & World Journal.
For more information, please visit the Word & World website.
Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA)
The Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) offers many scholarships to students.
Deadline: December 1
The application must be submitted directly to the CCPA.
For more information about the amounts of the scholarships and the application process, visit the CCPA website.
Canada-U.S. Fulbright Program
These awards are intended for graduate students, prospective graduate students and junior professionals who wish to enroll in a graduate studies program, continue their current course of graduate study and research, or pursue an independent research project for a period of nine months in the United States.
Deadline: November 15.
The application must be submitted directly on the website of the Canada–U.S. Fulbright Program. Students must mail all supporting documents to the program by the deadline.
For further information: Consult the Canada–U.S. Fulbright Program website.
Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships
The Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program is administered by Canada’s three federal granting agencies: the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council.
The Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships Program aims to attract and retain top-tier postdoctoral talent, both nationally and internationally, to develop their leadership potential and to position them for success as research leaders of tomorrow, positively contributing to Canada’s economic, social, and research-based growth through a research-intensive career.
Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships are valued at $70,000 per year (taxable) for two years.
For more details, please visit the Banting website.
The Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarships Doctoral Awards (CGS-D) program provides special recognition and support to students who are pursuing a doctoral degree in a health-related field in Canada. The Doctoral Foreign Study Award (DFSA) provides special recognition and support to students who are pursuing a doctoral degree in a health-related field abroad.
Students submitting a SSHRC or a CIHR application should go to the Registrar’s Office and request their SPUtranscripts at no charge.
1) For Master’s students: Canada Graduate Scholarship-Master’s program (CGS-M) for SSHRC or CIHR
For students applying to, or registered in, a master’s program with Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) or with Canadian Institutes of Health and Research (CIHR).
December 1, 2024, by 8:00 p.m. (EST)
You must apply through the Research Portal by selecting Saint Paul University. The University will evaluate internally all the applications (through the bursary committees). The University is responsible for coordinating the selection process for the CGS M applications, and for communicating the results to the applicants and agencies.
To create a Canadian Common CV, select
Canadian Common CV.
To create or access an application, select Research Portal.
(*) Students submitting a SSHRC or CIHR application can request their USP transcripts free of charge by sending an email to the Registrar’s Office: registrar@ustpaul.ca, indicating the scholarship for which they are applying.
2) For Doctoral students:
SSHRC Doctoral Awards (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada)
For students applying to, or registered in, a doctoral program or a combined M.A./Ph.D. program in the social sciences or humanities.
October 15, 2024, by 4:00 p.m.
You must apply electronically. Saint Paul University sets its own internal deadline and will evaluate internally all the applications (through the bursary committees) before submitting them to SSHRC.
(*) Students submitting a SSHRC application can request their USP transcripts free of charge by sending an email to the Registrar’s Office: registrar@ustpaul.ca, indicating the scholarship for which they are applying.
3) For Doctoral students:
CIHR Doctoral Research Awards (Canadian Institutes of Health and Research)
October 15, 2024, by 4:00 p.m. The application must be submitted online. These applications use the eApproval Tool; the authorized official at the University will approve the applications electronically after they are submitted via ResearchNet by the students. Therefore the institutional signature page does not require a signature by hand.
(*) Students submitting a CIHR application can request their USP transcripts free of charge by sending an email to the Registrar’s Office: registrar@ustpaul.ca, indicating the scholarship for which they are applying.
4) CGS Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements
A tri-agency program to support Canadian graduate students as they build global linkages and international networks through exceptional research experiences at research institutions outside of Canada.
SSHRC deadlines: June 10 and October 10 each year