Julie Châteauvert
Having first worked as a speech therapist, Julie Chateauvert completed a Ph.D. in Études et Pratiques des Arts (UQAM), and a postdoctoral fellowship at with the EA Transferts critiques et dynamiques des savoirs at University Paris 8. Her research focuses on the creative narrative within Sign Languages. She studies how artists not only resist various forms of linguistic marginalization but, offer a perspective that reshapes our cultural and corporeal norms, one that transforms the relationships between linguistic and cultural majorities and minorities. Her artistic practice and activism have also enabled her to develop a deep understanding of group facilitation and collaborative research methodologies (art and community-based), as well as self-management (autogestion) and power relations within organizations.
- Self-management and collective autonomy
- Power relations in organisation
- Feminists practice and approaches in social innovation
- Art and social transformation
- Linguistic minorities
- Accessibility
- Sign Languages and Deaf Studies
- Participatory action and art-based research methodology
- Emancipatory pedagogies
Postdoc, UE 1569 Transfert critique et dynamiques des savoirs, Université Paris 8
Ph.D. Études et Pratiques des Arts, UQAM, 2014
M.A. Dance, UQAM, 2001
M.Sc.(ABT) Speech Therapy, Université de Montréal, 1996
B.sc.O.A Bacc. Speech Therapy and Audiology, Université de Montréal, 1993