Admission requirements | Saint Paul University

M.A. in Counselling and Spirituality: Couple and Family Counselling

School of Counselling, Psychotherapy and Spirituality

Université Saint Paul University (USP SPU)

The requirements for admission to the MA in Counselling and Spirituality are the following:

  • an honours bachelor’s degree or its equivalent;
  • 12 units of theology at university level;
  • 48 units in psychology, sociology, social work, health sciences, theology, or in related fields such as, but not exclusively, animation, social communications, mission sciences or conflict studies.
    Among the 48 units;
    • at least 18 units in psychology, and at least another 6 units which can be in psychology, sociology or social work for the concentration in counselling (individual or couple);
  • Applicants must have a minimum 70% (B) average in the honours bachelor’s degree and the units mentioned under points 2 and 3 above. The latter units can be included in the honours bachelor’s degree.

The academic record, maturity and motivation of the candidates, as well as their experience in the field of pastoral activity, are additional credentials considered by the admissions committee. Candidates will also be required to pass an interview.

Documents required for admission

An official transcript of the applicant’s previous university record is required, as well as two letters of recommendation on the official forms provided. Applicants must complete a self-evaluation form and answer a questionnaire giving their reasons and purpose for applying to the program, and list previous work experience in the helping professions.

A recent criminal record check is required to do a practicum in the hospitals for the spiritual care concentration.

Collaborative Program in Women’s Studies at the Master’s Level

The MA program in Counselling and Spirituality is a participating unit in the collaborative program in Women’s Studies at the master’s level. This program has been established for students wishing to enrich their training in Counselling and Spirituality by including an interdisciplinary component in Women’s studies. The specific requirements of the collaborative program include two compulsory FEM courses and a thesis on a topic related to Women’s studies. One of the FEM courses replaces the elective course for students in the non-thesis option. Students in the thesis option must complete the two FEM courses in addition to the 45 units required for the MA in Counselling and Spirituality.

In accordance with University regulations, students are permitted to write assignments, exams, and theses in either French or English.

Some additional documents, and in some cases specific forms, are required. For more information, please see the page Step 4: Gather the documents needed for the assessment of your application.