G.D. in Contemplative Theology and Spiritual Mentorship | Saint Paul University

G.D. in Contemplative Theology and Spiritual Mentorship

Faculty of Theology

Université Saint Paul University (USP SPU)
Home > Programs > G.D. in Contemplative Theology and Spiritual Mentorship

This program will not be offered during the 2024-2025 academic year.

Program description

The Faculty of Theology at Saint Paul University offers a graduate program leading to a Graduate Diploma in Contemplative Theology and Spiritual Mentorship. This diploma is conferred jointly by the Senates of Saint Paul University and the University of Ottawa.

Psychology, the contemporary reference in helping relationships, has replaced confession (Catholicism) and cure of souls (Protestantism) in today’s secular society. At the same time, references to spirituality are increasing. Many are searching for a more authentic life, open to experience, interiority, and silence. In health care, for example, prayer is being introduced to complement conventional practices. In this specific context, spiritual mentorship is poised to play a role in helping relationships.

Within a theological perspective, the program goals are to habilitate students in understanding the nature and dynamics of the contemplative path, to identify the interfaces linking it to human sciences and other spiritual traditions, and also develop one’s capacity to express personal experience according to theoretical content. In short, to provide a framework for future involvement in safe and efficient helping relationships.

Upon diploma completion, the graduate could:

  • Use the training in his/her present professional setting (e.g: psychotherapy, health professional or other); or
  • Apply to the Master’s in Theology with concentration in Spirituality (part of the units obtained in the diploma can be recognised).

Student testimonials