ECS2103 - Negotiation
Concepts and foundations. Difference between mediation and negotiation. Case Studies. Ethical considerations. Role playing and practical exercises. Specificities of negotiation among ethnic and religious groups. A minimum of ten laboratory hours will be required in this course.
Prerequisite or concomitant: ECS2321.
ECS2104 - Mediation
Concepts and foundations. Objectives of mediation, importance of third parties. Mediation and post-modernity. Ethical considerations. Role playing and practical exercises. Specificities of mediation among ethnic and religious groups. A minimum of ten laboratory hours will be required in this course.
Prerequisite: ECS2103.
ECS2124 - Local and Community Responses to Conflict
Conflict is always experienced at a community level, whether its source is local or international. This course identifies and examines the many different ways in which local or community level actors respond to the causes and effects of violent and non-violent conflict in their midst.
ECS2126 - Indigenous Peoples and Conflict
A review of conflict and peaceful coexistence between indigenous peoples and settler societies around the world, including the examination of (1) differences among the world’s indigenous peoples in their cultures, political economic situations, and in their relationships with colonizing settler societies and (2) efforts to transcend “contemporary colonialism” and “post-modern imperialism” to establish indigenously defined cultural, social, and political orders.
ECS2191 - Introduction to Conflict Studies
A multidisciplinary introduction to research in the evolving field of peace and conflict studies, with emphasis on ethnic and religious conflict. Cases are drawn from local to global levels. Includes anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, political science, law, labour relations, theology, philosophy, gender studies and security studies.
ECS2192 - Inequality, Conflict and Social Justice
This course consists of two components: (1) the examination of the variable linkages between inequality (economic, social, political), injustice, and violent conflict; and (2) the examination of efforts to create environments characterized by equality, equity, justice and peace.
ECS2321 - Listening and Interaction in Conflict Resolution
Theory and practice of the listening skills crucial for participating in conflict resolution processes. Development of synthesis, reframing, and appropriate responses to difficult situations. Attention to non verbal communication, emotions, and communication styles. Exploration of some of cultural differences in communication. A minimum of ten laboratory hours will be required in this course.
ECS2928 - Language and Conflict in Canada
Overview of relations between English- and French-speaking groups in Canada with emphasis on their identity components. Review of efforts undertaken at various levels to address tensions related to language differences. Dialogue and elaboration of proposals for improving linguistic relations.
Bilingual course. Students are expected to work in both official languages.
Prerequisite: ECS2321. -
ECS2999 - Neutral Third Party
Intensive training including simulations in which the participants play in turn the roles of conciliator, mediator and facilitator. The mark S or NS will be attributed following the handing in of a training report.
ECS3101 - Introduction to Technical and Legal Aspects of Conflict Resolution
Introduction to some concepts pertaining to the analysis and resolution of conflict: judicial norms, contracts, binding character of judicial decisions, judicial organization and structures, formal processes of mediation and negotiation. The course also includes consideration of some aspects of international law, as well as principles of conflict management in key fields areas such as labour, social services, etc.
Prerequisites: ECS2191 and ECS2192.
ECS3110 - Internship I
Internship in a reputed institution for a minimum of 150 working hours. Graded S/NS.
Prerequisites: 24 ECS credits and a cumulative grade point average of B+. -
ECS3124 - Conflict in Organizations
Introduction to the resolution of conflicts related to labour relations and policy differences in large organizations, especially in the public sector, with emphasis on ethnic and religious conflict. Roles of employers, workers, unions, third parties, mediation mechanisms, arbitration, and administrative tribunals.
Prerequisites: ECS 2191 and ECS 2192.
ECS3125 - Peaceful Resolution of Violent Conflict
This course compares and contrasts different approaches to the pacific resolution of violent conflict, such as peace building, peacemaking, and peace operations. Contribution of religions to peace building. An effort is made to understand when, why, and how such approaches are effective or ineffective for managing and resolving conflicts.
Prerequisites: ECS 2191 and ECS 2192.
ECS3127 - Group Processes and Conflicts
Introduction to the intervention toward groups in order to manage and resolve conflicts. Study of group dynamics and underlying behaviours. Review of different approaches to group processes. Exploration of the requirements and abilities for the leadership and facilitation of groups. Case studies. Practical in-class exercises.
Prerequisites : ECS2103, ECS2104. -
ECS3128 - Consultation and Coaching in Conflicts
Initiation to personal support to people involved in conflicts. Presentation of various models of personal and group coaching. Development of some basic abilities in this kind of intervention (including self-awareness, emotional intelligence, active and empathic listening, communication, overcoming resistance, etc.) through simulations and exercises.
Prerequisites: ECS2103, ECS2104. -
ECS3130 - Special Topics in Conflict Studies
Prerequisites: ECS2191, ECS2192.
ECS3140 - Gender Relations and Conflict
Social and philosophical theories of gender. Feminist theories of discrimination and power relations as they apply in conflict situations. Ethnic and religious factors in gender-related conflict issues. Constructive responses and social movements.
Prerequisites: ECS 2191 and ECS 2192. This course was previously ECS2125.