FAQs for Students:
Saint Paul University provides a wide range of services for students. The following was prepared to address frequently asked questions (FAQs) and to direct you to the appropriate service provider.
I submitted my application for admission. When can I expect it to be processed?
The Office of Admission will begin to assess your application once it receives all documents, which can take 4 to 6 weeks. For an appointment with a representative from the Office of Admission, please e-mail admission@ustpaul.ca.
What happens after I accept my offer of admission?
You will receive a copy of your program plan, as well as instructions on how to access the student portal. If you haven’t received a copy of your program plan, please contact your academic advisor by sending an e-mail to canonlaw@ustpaul.ca.
Course Registration
How do I register for courses?
You must register for your courses through your uoCampus account. You must refer to your program plan to ensure that you are registered in the appropriate courses. If you encounter any difficulties, please contact your academic advisor by sending an e-mail to canonlaw@ustpaul.ca.
How can I find my course schedule?
Refer to the Saint Paul University course timetable. You can also review your personalized schedule through your uoCampus account.
What are the sessional dates?
Please consult the University’s sessional dates for important deadlines for course registration, reimbursements and withdrawal.
What online tools do I need to access my courses?
To find out more about your student accounts and tools, you can watch this video. Saint Paul University (SPU) and the University of Ottawa (UO) share resources to offer you useful online tools.
As a distance-learning student, I have an in-Canada portion to the program. Do I need a study permit, even if the in-Canada portion is less than six months?
If the overall course of study is greater than six months, then the student requires a study permit for the in-Canada portion of the program, even if the in-Canada portion is less than six months. It is your responsibility to verify the Citizenship, Refugees and Immigration Canada requirements.
Who can I speak to if I have other questions about distance learning?
You can contact a representative from Computer and Distance Education Services at SPU by sending an e-mail to CMS-MSC@ustpaul.ca.
Grade Reports
How do I access my grade report?
Check your final grades and your current academic standing through your uoCampus account.
Tuition Fees
How can I view my financial statement?
You can view your e-bill by going to your Student Centre in your uoCampus account. Students are responsible for accessing their financial statement (e-bill) as soon as their course selection is approved by the Graduate Academic Advising Office.
Check this step-by-step tutorial to learn how to view your financial statement (summary or details).
Who can I speak to if I have other questions about Financial Services?
You can contact a representative from Financial Services at 613-236-1393 ext. 2295 (1-800-637-6859), or by sending an e-mail to finance@ustpaul.ca.
Financial Aid, Scholarships and Bursaries
Are financial aid bursaries available to students?
Financial Aid Bursaries are offered to full-time students enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program at SPU. These bursaries are offered to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students alike.
Are bursaries or scholarships available to students?.
Students of the Faculty of Canon Law are eligible for scholarships offered by the Canon Law Society of America and the Canadian Canon Law Society. For more information, please contact canonlaw@ustpaul.ca.
Students of the Faculty of Canon Law are also eligible for the following bursaries:
- Francis Morrisey Scholarship
- Thomas Moncion Bursary
- Marc Meehan Prize
For more information about internal SPU scholarships, see Alumni and Development Services. For scholarships external to SPU, see the Office of Research and Ethics Services.
Library and Electronic Resources
What services are available in the library?
The Jean-Léon Allie O.M.I. University Library is a research facility specializing in canon law, theology, and philosophy. The Library’s collection contains over 500,000 volumes, 1,000 current periodicals and some 100,000 microforms. SPU students can also access the print and electronic resources of the University of Ottawa.
A variety of other services are also available, such as inter-library loans, reference assistance, books on reserve, access to computers, printers and photocopiers, library tours and workshops.
Are there any electronic resources available in canon law?
A helpful Canon Law Research Guide, prepared by the Library, outlines a variety of electronic resources in the area of canon law, such as databases, journals and ecclesiastical documents.
Student Identification Card
Where can I get a student card?
The Student Identity Card gives you access to some Saint Paul University and University of Ottawa services. To get your card on campus, go to room 165 in Guigues Hall, or contact the Registrar’s office by sending an e-mail to registrar@ustpaul.ca if you are studying at a distance.
Public Transportation
What is the U-Pass?
The U-Pass is a Universal Transit Pass for full-time students. All full-time students registered at SPU are automatically charged for the U-Pass program, with the exception of distance-learning students. Some students may qualify for an exemption. If you are eligible, you must submit an exemption form along with the necessary supporting documentation before the deadline to waive the U-Pass fee.
International Students
I am an international student. Where can I get important information, such as on immigration issues, accommodation, financial matters, academic concerns or any personal matters?
Saint Paul University has an office of International Services that is dedicated to serving the various aspects of the international life of the University.
Information for Priests
May I assist at a nearby parish in the Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall?
For those who are priests and visiting the Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall for a short time, you are permitted to concelebrate the Eucharist as long as you bring either a letter of good standing issued in the last year or a celebret issued in the last year. Be prepared to show it to the pastor of the parish.
For those who wish to be able to celebrate Mass publicly or be able to help with other sacraments or are staying in the Archdiocese for more than a short time, the Archdiocese asks that you contact daniel.vandelst@ottawacornwall.ca to inquire about obtaining faculties for your time in the Archdiocese.