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Research Project

Towards a Trustworthy Church

The Catholic Church as an institution must note that, as a result of the abuse scandals, it has faced the loss of trust of many of the faithful. The research project is to contribute to the process of restoring trust. A theoretical investigation will contribute to define the elements that constitute trust in the context of the Church. The international field research will determine which factors that account for trustworthiness (ability, benevolence and integrity) are most affected by the scandals. Education opportunities will be created, and publications will contribute to the dissemination of the theoretical knowledge and best practices that have been acquired.

Description of the study

  • Understand and break down the concept of trust (and betrayal of trust) in the context of abuse in the Catholic Church.
  • A better understanding of the specific causes for the breach of trust and of key conditions that can contribute to restoring trust.
  • The development of tools and action-oriented learning material which help to share best practices and identify strategies for rebuilding trust (via conversation/restorative justice).

Main researchers

karlijn-demasure Université Saint Paul University
Main researcher

Karlijn Demasure, PhD

Karlijn Demasure, PhD, holds a doctorate in practical theology at the KU Leuven (Belgium) (2003). She was the president of the Interdiocesan Service for Pastoral Care in Belgium (2003 -2007). In 2008 she became a professor at the Faculty of Theology at Saint Paul University in Ottawa, Canada. She held the Chair Sisters-of-Our-Lady-of the-Cross in Christian Family Studies from 2008-2014 and was appointed as the dean of the Faculties of Human Sciences and Philosophy (2010-2014).  From 2012 till 2014 she was the president of the “Société Internationale de théologie pratique”. She was a professor at the Gregorian University in Rome (Italy) and the Executive Director of the Center for Child Protection at the same university (2014-2019). In 2019 she founded the Centre for Safeguarding Minors and Vulnerable Persons at Saint Paul University, Ottawa, Canada. As professor emeritus, she still works with a research team on the international project: Towards a Trustworthy Church. Her area of research is sexual and spiritual abuse and abuse of trust, trauma, and pastoral care for victims/survivors. Demasure has been accompanying survivors of abuse for more than 25 years.

Main researcher

Valère Nkouaya Mbandji, PhD

Valère Nkouaya Mbandji, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Canon Law at Saint Paul University in Ottawa. He holds a doctorate in Canon Law and a bachelor’s degree in civil law (LL. B). He is also a graduate of the Canadian Institute for Conflict Resolution (Ottawa 2017). He is the Director of Studies and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Canon Law. His field of research focuses on the protection of minors and vulnerable adults in canon law. He has a particular interest in the interaction between canon penal law and the various “secular” criminal laws. He is the author of several articles on the penal law of the Church. He currently works with a research team on the international project: Towards a Trustworthy Church.

The results of the research will be presented at our upcoming International Conference titled “Shall we talk about trust?”. To learn more please visit our conference webpage.

If you are interest in learning more about this research, please contact: trustresearch@ustpaul.ca.