Who We Are
The Centre for Safeguarding Minors and Vulnerable Adults (CPCS), the first of its kind at a Catholic university in North America, was founded by Karlijn Demasure. She holds a doctorate in theology from the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium). She served as the director of the Centre form 2019-2022 during which time she actively contributed to numerous task forces and advisory committees including the Standing Committee of the Canadian Bishopsconference on Responsible Ministry and the Protection of Minors and Vulnerable Persons.
Marie-Rose Tannous served as the Centre’s Director in 2022. She holds a doctorate in theology from Saint Paul University (Canada). As the director of the Centre, she was dedicated to organising academic training, teaching courses and giving conferences. Additionally, she is the editor of the book : La vulnérabilité des abus et l’Église Catholique/Vulnerability to Abuse and the Catholic Chuch.( Peeters, 2024)
Claudia Mariéle Wulf served as the Centre’s Director from 2023 to 2024. She holds a doctorate in philosophy from the University of Dresden (Germany) and practical theology from the University of Fribourg (Switzerland). Her leadership emphasized raising awareness about psychological and spiritual abuse, as well as the structural dimensions of abuse. This focus was highlighted in the international conference titled “Save our Souls!”
Our services
- Training for individuals who work in the church or other settings where vulnerable individuals are potentially exposed to abuse.
- Prevention through training in church facilities and, if desired, in others (on-site service). Contact us!
- Supporting the healing of victims/survivors, their families and communities through our network of therapists and complaint centres.
- Information during the period of reinstatement.
- Basic posts on recent discussion in Church and society about abuse in all its forms.
- Advanced research in the context of abuse.
Our Collaborators
Our committee accompanies the work of the Centre. Its members are :
- Chad Glendinning
- Valère Nkouaya Mbandji
- John Renken
- Jesu Pudumai Doss Maria James
- The administrator of the centre responsible for logistics, technical support, organization and builds relationships between clients and professionals.
Our Professors
- Karlijn Demasure
- Jesu Pudumai Doss Maria James
- Stéphane Joulain
- Monique Lanoix
- Mark Slatter
- Marie-Rose Tannous
Our scientific approach
The Centre’s interdisciplinary approach reflects the outstanding research capabilities and close collaboration among the University’s four faculties: canon law, philosophy, humanities, and theology.
Call to Action
The protection of minors and vulnerable adults is an urgent concern today. We encourage all who share our passion to support the Centre to ensure the success and sustainability of this initiative and positive impact for minors and vulnerable persons.