On Friday, June 14, professors, graduates and their families gathered in the De Mazenod Chapel to celebrate the Class of 2024.
In two separate ceremonies – one held in the morning and one in the afternoon – the University celebrated 307 new graduates.
A First for Rector Louis Patrick Leroux
This convocation was the first for new Rector, Louis Patrick Leroux. Despite it being his first time addressing SPU graduates, he captured the sentiment of our university’s academic mission perfectly.
“I believe [Saint Paul University offers] a place for self-discovery and self-fulfillment, a place for exploration and reflection, a place where all things are possible in terms of the place our students will take in society,” said Rector Leroux to graduates. “It’s now up to you to become responsible, respectful and committed citizens. Onward, graduates, the world is yours.”
Carrying the SPU Experience into the Future
The valedictorians echoed the Rector’s sentiment of carrying the SPU experience with them into the world.
During the morning ceremony, Bianca Picciano, a graduate of the M.A. in Theology, shared some advice for her fellow graduates as they embark on new journeys as SPU alumni:
“Pace yourselves. Give only what you have. Know when it’s time to say something, and when it is not. Belong to yourself. Communicate in the way you have been taught here – empathetically. Know what’s good enough for you. Allow change to be a constant. Know who you are – a graduate of this institution, a peer of those seated beside you, and as new alumni, an example of the possibilities for the next wave of students who follow.”
Robert Fabes, recipient of a PhD in Counselling and Spirituality, addressed his peers during the afternoon ceremony. In his speech, he encourages them to live the valued learned during their time at SPU:
“I wish each of you moments of authentic peace throughout your lives. And I urge each of you to lead by example by living the principles of acceptance and openness that we have been so fortunate to have experienced and learned during our time at Saint Paul’s.”
The Governor General Academic Medals
Each year, Saint Paul University awards two graduates with the Governor General’s Academic Silver Medal and Gold Medal. These medals are awarded to the students who achieve the highest academic standing at the undergraduate and graduate level, respectively.
Sokka-Justin Morin-Chin, who completed the Honours B.A. in Human Relations and Spirituality, is the recipient of the Silver Medal.
The recipient of the Gold Medal is Julie Courchesne, a graduate of the M.A. in Social Innovation.
Congratulations to all of our graduates!
Félicitations à nos diplômé.e.s !