Program requirements | Saint Paul University

Ph.D. in Conflict Studies

School of Conflict Studies

Université Saint Paul University (USP SPU)
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Compulsory Courses (12 units)

  • ECS8901 Doctoral Seminar / Séminaire de doctorat (3u)
  • ECS8903 Research Methodology / Méthodologie de recherche (3u)
  • ECS8905 Théories des conflits / Theories of Conflict (3cr)
  • ECS8906 Dimensions éthiques des conflits / Ethical Dimensions of Conflicts (3cr)

Students who have completed a master’s degree in Conflict Studies from Saint Paul University will take electives in place of ECS8905 and ECS8906 with the authorization of their supervisor. Courses taken outside the School must be approved in advance by the director of the School.

Elective Course (3 units)

One elective course from the list of graduate courses from the Conflict Studies program at Saint Paul University, from other programs at Saint Paul University or at another university. Students may also choose ECS8911 Selected Readings and Research / Lectures et recherches dirigées (3cr) as one of their two elective courses. Course selection is subject to the approval of the thesis supervisor. Courses taken outside the School must be approved in advance by the director of the School.

Thesis Proposal (ECS9997)

The Thesis proposal must be submitted to the Thesis Advisory Committee for evaluation and approval before the end of the fifth term. In the event of failure, the proposal can be resubmitted and defended the following term at the latest. A second failure leads to withdrawal from the program. The proposal must be approved by the Research Ethics Board before undertaking data collection.

Comprehensive Examination (ECS9998)

The comprehensive exam allows students to demonstrate their mastery of the content of the courses as well as their ability to integrate and apply their knowledge to conflict situations. In the event of failure, the proposal can be resubmitted and defended the following term at the latest. A second failure leads to withdrawal from the program. The comprehensive examination, which includes a written and an oral component, must be completed within 24 months of initial registration in the program.

The procedures for the comprehensive exam are found in the Doctoral Student Guide in Conflict Studies, available under the heading “Handbooks for Students” on the FHS web page.

Doctoral Thesis (ECS9999)

A thesis advisory committee will be formed during the first term in the program, in consultation with the student based on potential thesis topics proposed in the initial application to the program. The thesis advisory committee will be composed of the supervisor and two additional professors who have agreed to offer the student support and direction throughout their doctoral studies. At least two members of the committee must be from the School of Conflict Studies. The composition of the committee is finalized at the end of the first year of the program. By the end of the third term, the student in consultation with the thesis supervisor must register the thesis topic.