The MA program provides three options:
- Research Paper option: six compulsory courses; three optional courses; Research Paper (EPE6999).
- Thesis option: six compulsory courses; one optional course; Thesis (EPE7999).
- Courses option: four compulsory courses and seven optional courses.
Pathway for the Research Paper option and the Thesis option
Compulsory Courses (18 units)
- EPE5101 Social Philosophy (3u)
- EPE6300 Main Ethical Theories I (3u)
- EPE6307 Main Ethical Theories II (3u)
- EPE6309 Ethics, Philosophy and Public Policy (3u)
- EPE6310 Seminar in Public Ethics I (3u)
- EPE6311 Seminar in Public Ethics II (3u)
Optional Courses (9 or 3 units)
9 units (Research Paper option) or 3 units (Thesis option) from:
- ECS5304 Ethical Dimensions of Conflict (3u)
- EPE6301 Military and Peacekeeping Ethics (3u)
- EPE6302 Environmental Ethics (3u)
- EPE6303 Ethics and Human Rights (3u)
- EPE6304 Ethics and International Development (3u)
- EPE6305 Ethics and Health Care (3u)
- EPE6306 Ethics, Privacy and Information (3u)
- EPE6308 Secularism and Public Life (3u)
- EPE6312 Ethics, Multiculturalism and Immigration (3u)
- EPE6320 Selected Topics in Ethics (3u)
- EPE6901 Directed Readings / Lectures dirigées (3u)
- EPE6902 Research Internship / Stage de recherche (3u)
- CMN5115 Communication Ethics (3u) (UO)
- PAP6102 Democratic Governance (3u) (UO)
- SOC7150 Interethnic Relations: Critical Examination of Theories and Research(3u) (UO)
- EPE6999 Research Paper / Mémoire (Research Paper option)
or - EPE7999 Master’s Thesis / Thèse de maîtrise (Thesis option)
Before being allowed to register for the thesis, students must have had their detailed research plan accepted by a potential supervisor and by the director of the School.
Pathway for the Courses option
Compulsory Courses (12 units)
- EPE5101 Social Philosophy (3u)
- EPE6300 Main Ethical Theories I (3u)
- EPE6307 Main Ethical Theories II (3u)
- EPE6309 Ethics, Philosophy and Public Policy (3u)
Optional Courses (21 units)
21 units from:
- ECS5304 Ethical Dimensions of Conflict (3u)
- EPE6301 Military and Peacekeeping Ethics (3u)
- EPE6302 Environmental Ethics (3u)
- EPE6303 Ethics and Human Rights (3u)
- EPE6304 Ethics and International Development (3u)
- EPE6305 Ethics and Health Care (3u)
- EPE6306 Ethics, Privacy and Information (3u)
- EPE6308 Secularism and Public Life (3u)
- EPE6312 Ethics, Multiculturalism and Immigration (3u)
- EPE6320 Selected Topics in Ethics (3u)
- EPE6901 Directed Readings / Lectures dirigées (3u)
- EPE6902 Research Internship / Stage de recherche (3u)
- CMN5115 Communication Ethics (3u) (UO)
- PAP6102 Democratic Governance (3u) (UO)
- SOC7150 Interethnic Relations: Critical Examination of Theories and Research(3u) (UO)