ECS5101 - Identity-Based Conflict
Theoretical concepts to understand the dynamics of religious and ethnic conflicts. Application of these concepts to particular situations. Religion, ethnicity, gender, class, and other identity signifiers. Human identity needs, mimetic theory, and structures of domination. Ethno-nationalist movements and victimization.
ECS5103 - Research Methods
Critical evaluation of research findings in the human sciences. Qualitative and quantitative methods of gathering, validating, and interpreting evidence. Issues in research ethics. Applications in graduate research projects and theses.
ECS5110 - History of Conflict Resolution
Conflict resolution approaches and institutions created over time in different regions of the world. Traditional dispute resolution mechanisms. State and law. Democratic institutions. Third party involvement and promotion of peace.
ECS5112 - Trauma, Healing and Reconciliation
Violence and trauma in the context of identity-based conflicts. Emotional, spiritual, physical and cognitive dimensions of the human person. Reconciliation, forgiveness and trauma healing.
ECS5114 - Genocide and Reconciliation
Degeneration of conflicts into unforgettable and unforgivable atrocities. Causes, mechanisms, attitudes leading to extreme mass violence. Role of faith in healing memories. Case study of genocides in Germany, South Africa, Rwanda and among indigenous peoples in North and South America.
ECS5116 - Political Economy of Conflict
Influence of development and allocation of economic resources on political conflict, including ethnic and religious strife. Influence of globalization on the propensity of societies toward violence.
ECS5118 - Contemporary Peacebuilding
National and international policies and programs designed to eliminate the causes of violent conflict and prevent their re-emergence. Dialogue and reconciliation. Political and economic reforms. Local development and empowerment.
ECS5119 - Mediation and Negotiation: Theory and Research
Theoretical and empirical aspects of strategies and processes of mediation and negotiation. Critical examination of contemporary approaches to mediation and negotiation. Cases of successful or unsuccessful negotiations. Roles, capacities and motivations of parties.
ECS5120 - Selected Topics in Conflict Studies
ECS5131 - Design and Evaluation of Conflict Resolution Interventions
Conflict analysis applied to the elaboration of intervention strategies. Evaluation of projects and programs in conflict resolution. Case studies. Ethical questions related to the planning and evaluation of conflict resolution interventions.
ECS5302 - Theories of Conflict
Study of theoretical models of conflict drawn from the social and behavioural sciences. Applications to the analysis of different types of conflict.
ECS5304 - Ethical Dimensions of Conflict
Conceptual and procedural ethical issues concerning norms of social justice and reconciliation. Relation of ethical issues to self-other dialectics, dynamics of discourse and power, gender and class, memory and agency.
ECS5311 - Religious Identities and Conflict
Implication of religious identities, traditions and actors in escalating, diverting or transforming deep-rooted conflicts in different societies. Comparative multi-religious framework. Sociology of religion and contextual theological hermeneutics.
ECS5313 - Spirituality and Conflict
Impact of conflict on spirituality and of spirituality on conflict. Part played in conflict by the spiritual life and convictions of those involved.
ECS5315 - Gender and Conflict
Multidisciplinary examination of cases of domination and marginalization. Social and cultural constructions of gender. Role of these constructs in structures of domination. Challenges met in transforming these structures.
ECS5316 - Indigenous Cultures, Conflict and Coexistence
Implication of indigenous identities in the emergence and transformation of conflicts. Ethnic and religious dimensions of indigenous cultural resurgence in Canada and other national contexts. Conflict reduction and pluralistic coexistence.
ECS5320 - Conflict Management and Resolution Systems
Exploration of procedures for conflict management and resolution, using a system approach to understand and explain complex problems. Analysis of systems to identify their strengths and limitations in different contexts. Proposals for improving existing systems and creating new ones will be evaluated.
ECS5321 - Advanced Coaching in Conflict Management
Exploration of techniques for coaching in conflict situations. Analysis of different coaching models, and study of visitor/client communication. Review of the methods used in the assessment of conflicts, analysis of the different points of view and styles that reveal competing positions, and evaluation of strategies and skills to resolve communicative impasses in the mediation process.
ECS5322 - Group Processes and Reparation Practises in Conflicts
Analysis of the foundations of restorative practices used to address behavioural problems and crime in groups. Assessment of the roles of key stakeholders, and examination of different models of practice. Exploration of ways of addressing and alleviating trauma, and examination of the contributions of Indigenous approaches to justice and community well-being.
ECS5323 - Conflict Resolution and Ombudsperson Practice
Study of advanced approaches to workplace conflict resolution in large organizations. Examination of the potential of ombudsperson programs to develop and maintain healthy workplace cultures. Evaluation of contemporary policy innovations to mitigate workplace harassment and the implementation of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (EDIB) policies.
ECS5324 - Final Report
Writing of a long essay along the suggested formats provided by the School of Conflict studies. Graded S/NS.
ECS5325 - Reinforcement Activities
Participation in at least one academic or professional event and presentation of a paper. Participation in the in-person one week concluding plenary meetings in the last spring of the candidate’s program. Graded S/NS.
ECS5921 - Research Internship
Internship of 150 hours in Conflict analysis and/or resolution, involving advanced and sustained research and analysis work. The internship is supervised and the work evaluated by a professor member of the program. Graded S/NS.
Prerequisites: Completion of 9 credits in the MA program with an average of at least B+. Approval of the internship proposal by the program director.