Admission requirements | Saint Paul University

g.d. in Safeguarding Minors and Vulnerable Adults

Faculty of Canon Law

Université Saint Paul University (USP SPU) library

Admission requirements

  • An honours bachelor’s degree or equivalent four years of post-secondary studies with at least a B (70%) average.
  • Relevant experience in pastoral ministry and/or administration, in keeping with the criteria established by the Executive Committee of the Faculty of Canon Law.
  • One (1) letter of recommendation by a person who knows the applicant and can attest to the applicant’s capacity to pursue graduate study. In addition, a letter of permission from the applicant’s bishop (for secular clergy) or superior (for members of institutes of consecrated life or societies of apostolic life).
  • A curriculum vitae.
  • Excellent knowledge of English or French.

A maximum of three credits in equivalencies or advanced standing may be granted. To be eligible, the credits in question must not have counted towards the requirements of a previous diploma, certificate, or degree. Candidates who have already successfully completed some of the compulsory credits may be allowed to replace those credits with elective credits. For details, consult section B.2.7. of the General Regulations of the FGPS.

Some additional documents, and in some cases specific forms, are required. For more information, please see the page Step 4: Gather the documents needed for the assessment of your application.