ECS2192 - Inequality, Conflict and Social Justice
This course consists of two components: (1) the examination of the variable linkages between inequality (economic, social, political), injustice, and violent conflict; and (2) the examination of efforts to create environments characterized by equality, equity, justice and peace.
INS2101 - Introduction to Social Innovation
Social innovation basics, methodological foundation to study the field and best practices.
INS2102 - Social Justice and Critical Thinking
Main contemporary theories of social justice (liberal, critical, catholic, etc.) and issues related to redistribution, recognition, capabilities and accessibility.
INS2103 - Social Movements
Analyzing social situations through the lens of concepts developed by the most important schools of critical thinking and the approaches in social movement studies.
INS2104 - Democracy and Civic Engagement
Fundamentals of democracy, participation and representative government needed to understand and move beyond the framework in which they are embedded within Western societies.
Students having completed the course DVM4154 Global Studies, Citizenship and Development will be credited for this course.
INS2105 - Social and Solidarity Economy
Overview of social and solidarity economy through a survey of the field’s main texts and its most important initiatives.
Students having completed the course DVM4150 Social Economy and Local Development in Developing Countries will be credited for this course.
INS2106 - Management, Administration and Social Innovation
Basics of management and administration necessary for the proper functioning of a social organization.
Students having completed the courses ADM1100 Introduction to Business Management will be credited for this course.
INS2111 - First Peoples, Colonialism and Resistance
Diversity of First Peoples so that future generations will understand and assimilate the knowledge necessary for us to collectively achieve reconciliation, by mounting the the concerted efforts of Europeans to destroy Indigenous nations. How First Peoples resisted efforts at assimilation and annihilation in order to maintain their distinct identities and ways of doing things, in other words, how they resisted colonial oppression.
INS2112 - Indigenous Social Movements around the World
General review of different social movement theories and analysis of different Indigenous social movements in the Americas, Africa, Australasia and Melanesia highlighting their modes of mobilization and action, their failures and successes in terms of political transformation. Alliances between these movements around the world as well as the alliances between these movements and other social movements.
INS3101 - Self-Management in Organizations
Structures, bodies, and modes of operation within democratic organizations.
INS3102 - Practical Seminar: Introduction to Action Research
Basic introduction to action research through getting involved in an organization and/or implementing a project, critically reflecting on the experience.
INS3103 - Capitalism, Classes and Inequalities
Theoretical foundations of Marxist analysis, key concepts and contemporary debates, in particular, current economic and technological changes.
INS3104 - Labor Movements
Analysis of the trajectory and dynamics of social movements focused on issues of class and socioeconomic inequality.
IPA1123 - Introduction to Group Dynamics
This course initiates participants to the group phenomenon and to different fundamental concepts, such as group typology, elements of group dynamics, as well as conditions and factors that are part of interpersonal and group communication. Participants learn to be aware of the quality of their participation and to develop their capacity to observe and to interact.
This course was previously HUM1103 and IGL1103.
IPA3126 - The Spiritual Dimensions of Leadership and Group Facilitation
Deepening of one’s conception of spirituality and presentation of various guiding methods adapted to personal development groups: self-training, support group meetings, life experience analysis and planned action. Community cooperation and psychosocial basics are addressed.
This course was previously ANI3112 and IGL3112.
ISC2301 - Communication and Organizations
Definition of an organization. Usual approaches to communication within the organizations: functionalist, strategic, critical, and cultural. The change management issue. Impact of technology.