University Fees and Regulations

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The Council of Administration reserves the right to change University fees and the regulations governing refunds without notice.

Fees for Canadians, permanent residents and exempted foreign students apply to the following students:

  • Citizens and permanent residents of Canada and their dependents.1
  • Members of the diplomatic corps and their dependents.1
  • Visitors admitted to Canada for the purpose of employment and their dependents.2
  • Refugees and their dependents3 recognized by the Government of Canada.
  • Students in categories 2, 3 and 4 must provide supporting documentation to the Registrar’s Office before being granted this exemption. The schedule of University fees applies to persons born outside Canada who must show proof of status. A social insurance number that does not begin with the number “9” is usually sufficient.

Exemption from international student fees is governed by the regulation on tuition fees for Ontario universities set out by the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities.

International Student fees

The schedule of University fees applies to all foreign students not included in any of the exempted categories listed previously or, if they do belong to one of the exempted categories, who have not submitted the required proof by the deadline for registration.4

Fee Assessment

Tuition and incidental fees are calculated according to the student’s program of study, legal status in Canada and classification: full- or part-time. Status is determined by the number of credits to which a student is registered. Students must have paid their fees before attending classes (see section on payment of fees).

Incidental Fees

All students taking courses at Saint Paul University must pay incidental fees. Incidental fees are non-refundable after the period for full refunds.

Cancellation of Registration

Students who have had their course selection approved must inform the University in writing if they decide not to attend or if they wish to drop a course or withdraw from the session. Failure to comply will result in a grade of ABS (equivalent to grade F) and fees will remain payable.


1.   A dependent of a person includes his/her spouse, unmarried child, or spouse’s unmarried child. Dependent status must be fully documented and must have been established for a minimum of three years for the student to be eligible. Dependents of the diplomatic corps must be under 25 years of age when they begin their studies.

2.   A visitor who is a graduate teaching or research assistant is excluded from this category.

3.   Only after the second stage can a person be considered an officially recognized convention refugee. A letter of proof is required from Citizenship and Immigration Canada attesting that an application for permanent resident status is pending.

4.   Declaration deadlines are January 31 for the winter session, June 30 for graduate students registered to the spring session (May–August), July 31 for graduate students registered to the summer session (July–August), as well as for undergraduate students registered during the spring/summer sessions, and October 31 for the fall session. No exceptions will be made after these dates.

5.   For purposes of fee assessment and classification, courses taken as an auditor are not included in the student classification. Refer to our tuition fee page for auditing cost.