About Us
The Lonergan Centre at Saint Paul University connects scholars with expert practitioners in national and international collaborative research projects that develop, apply and communicate the work of Bernard Lonergan. Lonergan’s major work, Insight: A Study of Human Understanding, invites readers into a uniquely personal yet resolutely empirical method for understanding insight and its transformative role in human living. Established in the spring of 2007, the Centre focuses on research in areas that can make a difference to people’s lives: areas such as peace and conflict; business and economics; ethics and community; insight and learning; science and religion; faith and life.
Our activities
We pursue our activities in partnership with a number of people and agencies. Currently, we are working in the following areas:
Economics, Business Ethics and Community Economic Development:
- Kenneth R. Melchin, Ph. D. (Université Saint-Paul)
- Morag McAleese (Université Saint-Paul)
- Charles Tackney, Ph. D. (Copenhagen Business School)
- Francis McLaughlin, Ph. D.
- David Coghlan, Ph. D. (Trinity College Dublin)
- John Little, Ph. D. (Lonergan Centre, Sydney, Australia)
- Jamie Price, Ph. D. (Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution et Sargent Shriver Peace Institute, George Mason University)
- J. Michael Stebbins, Ph. D. (Avera Health)
Insight, Peace and Conflict:
- Kenneth R. Melchin, Ph. D. (Université Saint-Paul)
- Cheryl A. Picard, Ph. D. (Centre for Conflict Education and Research, Carleton University)
- Andrea Bartoli, Ph.D. (Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University et Center for International Conflict Resolution, Columbia University)
- Jamie Price, Ph. D. (Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution et Sargent Shriver Peace Institute, George Mason University)
- Neil C. Sargent (Centre for Conflict Education and Research, Carleton University)
Other areas of application of Lonergan:
- Dr. Catherine E. Clifford (Saint Paul University): Ecclesiology and Ecumenism
- Dr. Margaret Myrtle Power (Saint Paul University): Religious Education and Learning Theory
The research and activities of the Centre have been made possible due to financial support from Saint Paul University.
Graduate Research
Doctoral theses
Profit and the Common Good: The Relevance of Bernard Lonergan’s Work to Discussions in Catholic Social Ethics on Ethics and Economics (2007)
by Dr. Darlene O’Leary
Director: Dr. Kenneth R. Melchin, Faculty of Theology
The Role of Feelings in Informed Consent: An Application of Bernard Lonergan’s Work on Affect and Cognition (2001)
by Dr. Hazel Joyce Markwell
Director: Dr. Hubert Doucet, Faculty of Theology
Pluralism and the structure of ethical discourse: insights from Lonergan, MacIntyre, and conflict resolution (1999)
by Dr. Peter L. Monette
Director: Dr. Kenneth R. Melchin, Faculty of Theology
Ethics and Sustainable Development: An Application of Bernard Lonergan’s Genetic Method (1998)
by Dr. Paul David Lewis
Director: Dr. Kenneth R. Melchin, Faculty of Theology
Extending Bernard Lonergan’s Ethics: Parallels Between the Structures of Cognition and Evaluation (1995)
by Dr. Joseph P. Cassidy
Director: Dr. James R. Pambrun, Faculty of Theology
Ethics and imagination : contributions from the work of Paul Ricœur to Bernard Lonergan’s intentionality analysis (1994)
by Dr. Michael Bruce Patrick George
Director: Dr. Kenneth R. Melchin, Faculty of Theology
The teachability of the heart: theological ethics in the work of John Calvin (1509-1564) (1992)
by Dr. James B. Sauer
Director: Dr. Kenneth R. Melchin, Faculty of Theology
Graduate Seminar Papers
Philosophical perspectives on corporate social responsibility : theory and practice (2010)
by Jessie C. MacNeil
Director: Dr. Kenneth R. Melchin, Faculty of Theology
An exploration and development of the significance of satire and humour in Bernard Lonergan’s ethical framework (2010)
by Amy Pauley
Directeur : Kenneth R. Melchin, Ph.D., Faculté de théologie
From abstract Catholic social thought principles to the concrete in the common good model of business: insights from the work of Bernard Lonergan (2008)
by Morag McConville
Director: Dr. Kenneth R. Melchin, Faculty of Theology
Theoretical differentiation and the development of doctrine: elements for an approach to doctrinal pluralism based on the work of Bernard Lonergan (2005)
by Derek Bianchi Melchin
Director: Dr. James R. Pambrun, Faculty of Theology
The contribution of Bernard Lonergan’s cognitional theory to a canonist’s understanding of moral certitude (1997)
by Thomas P. Ferguson
Director: Dr. Lynda Robitaille, Faculty of Canon Law
Intellect, feelings and moral/ethical decision-making: a Lonerganian perspective (1996)
by Hazel J. Markwell
Director: Dr. Hubert Doucet, Faculty of Theology
The Lonergan community brings together scholars and people interested in Lonergan’s legacy from around the planet. We invite you to visit these other sites dedicated to furthering Lonergan’s work:
- The Lonergan Research Institute (University of Toronto, Regis College)
- The Lonergan Website (Concordia University)
- The Lonergan Institute (Boston College)
- Bernard Lonergan en français (Pierrot Lambert)
- The Bernard J. Lonergan Institute (Seton Hall University)
- The Los Angeles Lonergan Center (Loyola Marymount University)
- The Dublin Lonergan Centre (National University of Ireland, Milltown Institute)
- The Lonergan Centre, Sydney
- The Lonergan Institute: for the Good Under Construction (St. Anselm’s Abbey, Washington)
- The Woodstock Theological Center (Georgetown University)
- Lonergan en Latinoamérica
Lonergan related journals:
Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan
- University of Toronto Press
Our partners and collaborators:
- Centre for Conflict Education and Research (Carleton University)
- Peace Corps Master’s International Curriculum (Gonzaga University)
- Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (George Mason University)
- Sargent Shriver Peace Institute (George Mason University)
- Melchin, Kenneth R. Living with Other People: An Introduction to Christian Ethics Based on Bernard Lonergan. Ottawa: Novalis, 1998.
- Melchin, Kenneth R. L’art de vivre ensemble : introduction à une éthique chrétienne. Trad. Pierrot Lambert. Ottawa: Novalis, 2006.
- Melchin, Kenneth R. Aprender a convivir: Introducción a la ética cristiana de Bernard Lonergan. Trans. Elizabeth Hanh Villagrán. Mexico: Trillas, 2000.
- Melchin, Kenneth R. History, Ethics, and Emergent Probability: Ethics, Society and History in the Work of Bernard Lonergan. 2nd ed. Ottawa: The Lonergan Web Site, 1999.
- Doucet, Hubert, Jean-Marc Larouche and Kenneth Melchin. Ethical Deliberation in Multiprofessional Health Care Teams. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2001.
Lonergan Centre
Saint-Paul University
223 Main Street
Ottawa (Ontario)
K1S 1C4
613 236-1393, ext. 2347