Home > Victoria Tsonos

Victoria Tsonos

Head of User Services Librarian | Jean-Léon-Allie Library and Archives

What is your title and how long have you been at Saint Paul University?

I am the Head of User Services Librarian. I have worked in this position since 2018.

What does your work consist of?

I help manage all of the services that the library offers to make sure we meet students’ needs. I also give workshops, in-class presentations, and one-on-one research and reference help to make sure our students succeed.

What is your academic/professional training?

I have a master’s degree in library and information studies from the University of Ottawa, and a B.A. in psychology with a minor in English from Dalhousie University.

Can you tell us an interesting fact about yourself?

Even though I work in a library, I have my own at-home library with over 1,000 books!

What do you like most about the library?

The library is never what it seems. We organize a lot of fun activities and events to try to change our students’ perceptions of what a library really is (it’s not just books!).

What tip would you give our students?

Attend as many library workshops as you can – they will really help you succeed in your studies!

Can you tell us an interesting fact about the library?

Saint Paul students can stay in the library every day from 6 a.m. to midnight! Just have your student card with you.