Home > Sheenagh Pietrobruno

Sheenagh Pietrobruno

E-mail : spietrobruno@ustpaul.ca

Phone : 613 236-1393 , extension 2456

Office : GIG 259


Dr. Pietrobruno, Associate Professor, was a Visiting Professor (2018) in the Department of Social Change and Culture (ISAK) at Linköping University. She has been awarded research fellowships at the Department of Sociology, Goldsmiths/University of London, the Advanced Cultural Studies Institute of Sweden (ACSIS)/ Linköping University and the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada. Pietrobruno was awarded the Muriel Gold Visiting Professor Position at the Institute for Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies at McGill University and the Scientist-in-Residence position at Gendup: Centre for Gender Studies at the University of Salzburg. Areas of research in media and communication studies include gender, intangible heritage, museum studies, digital media, social media, media archaeology, media theory, photography and visual studies. Her pioneering work in digital media and intangible heritage has led to invitations to present her work by the Commission of the European Union at the Prague Global Platform on the Future of Heritage (2019) and G20 Italian Presidency in Rome (2021). Author of Salsa and Its Transnational Moves (Rowman and Littlefield), and co-author of Museum Digitisations and Emerging Curatorial Agencies Online: Vikings in the Digital Age (Palgrave), Pietrobruno is also a dance journalist

Ph.D., Communication Studies, McGill University, Canada
M.A., Comparative Literature, McGill University, Canada
B.A., French, University of British Columbia, Canada