Nawel Hamidi
Assistant Professor | Faculty staff
Dr. Nawel Hamidi is a professor in the School of Leadership, Ecology and Equity at St-Paul University, Ottawa. Both a lawyer and sociologist, her current research focuses on the comparative study of colonialism and its effects on the governance of post-independence and Indigenous societies. Her doctoral research focused on the phenomenon of systemic humiliation in Algeria under the French regime and its impact on the notion of human dignity and on post-independence governmentality. She has developed expertise on the genesis of colonial systems, land tenure and colonial laws of exception. She teaches topics related to transformative leadership, anti-racist and post-(de)colonial theories, spirituality and non-Western epistemologies, and First Peoples. She is a member of the Quebec Bar since 2005. Her law practice focuses on territorial questions, governance, and the protection of the living.
- PH.D., Sociology, University of Essex (UK), 2023
- M.A., Theology, Université St-Paul, 2008
- Propaedeutic, Theology, St-Paul University, 2006
- Bar School, Quebec, 2003
- LL.B., Laval University, 2001
- Anti-racist and post-(de)colonial theories
- First Peoples intellectual and spiritual traditions
- Transformative Leadership
- Trauma-informed pedagogies
- Theories of violence
- Religious law and Interfaith dialogue
- Humiliation studies
- Human and living rights
- Governance and self-determination
Journal (special issue)
HAMIDI, Nawel, ROSS-TREMBLAY, Pierrot and LEROUX, Darryl (forthcoming 2024) (Editors of the Special Edition), “Mutations coloniales : Enjeux contemporains entourant l’auto-autochtonisation”, Recherches amérindiennes au Québec.
HAMIDI, Nawel, ROSS-TREMBLAY, Pierrot and LEROUX, Darryl (2018) (Editors of the Special Edition), “Premiers Peuples: cartographie d’une libération”, Liberté – Arts & Politique, no. 321, Fall 2018
Book chapters
HAMIDI, Nawel and ROSS-TREMBLAY, Pierrot (2022), Le génocide colonial des Premiers Peuples au Canada, in VIEZZER, Moema, GRONDIN, Marcel, Le genocide des Amériques: Résistance et survivance des peuples autochtones, Écosociété, Montréal, 299-336.
HAMIDI, Nawel, (2020) “Colonial Exceptionalism and the MMIWG Genocide: Bringing Words of the Silent to the Ears of the Deaf” in DILLEN, Joyce, HANKARD, Micheal (eds), Red Dresses on Bare trees: Stories and Reflections on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women an Girls, J. C. Charlton Publishing, British Columbia.
HAMIDI, Nawel, (2019) « La dignité humaine dans l’islam », in BERNATCHEZ, Stephan et LALONDE, Louise (dir.), Approches et fondements du droit, Les Éditions de l’Université de Sherbrooke.
HAMIDI, Nawel and ROSS-TREMBLAY, Pierrot (2019), ‘Pluralisme réel ou simulé? Perspectives critiques sur les relations entre l’ordre juridique des Premiers Peuples et celui de l’État au Canada’ in OTIS, Ghislain, Le pluralisme juridique et les peuples autochtones, Québec : Presses de l’Université Laval.
ROSS-TREMBLAY, Pierrot, HAMIDI, Nawel (2013) ‘Gamau: Confluence des personnes, des idées et des actions’, in BRODEUR, Magaly et THIBAULT, Simon, Perspectives d’avenir pour le Québec : regards de jeunes chercheurs, Les Presses de l’Université du Québec.
Articles (peer-reviewed journals)
HAMIDI, Nawel and ROSS-TREMBLAY, Pierrot (2013), ‘Les écueils de l’extinction : Les Premiers peuples, les négociations territoriales and l’esquisse d’une ère postcoloniale, Recherches amérindiennes au Québec, Vol. XLIII, no. 1, 2013
Scientific reports
HAMIDI, Nawel and ROSS-TREMBLAY, Pierrot (2018), Du génocide culturel à la revalidation : rétablir les paramètres de la souveraineté ancestrale (innu tipenitamun) et de l’autodétermination effective (uetshit takuaimatishun), Experts’ Report 3, Partnership CRSH-AUF 2012-2018 State and Indigenous Legal Cultures
HAMIDI, Nawel(2012), L’impact de la clause de certitude sur les droits ancestraux des Essipiunnuat, Nutakuannuat et Pekuakamiulnuatsh, Conseil de la Première nation des Innu Essipit, Essipit.
HAMIDI, Nawel, (2006), The Iraqi Constitutional Committee and the Canadian Experience of Federalism, Forum of Federations, Ottawa.
HAMIDI, Nawel (2004), IFI`s Accountability to the South, Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, India, access:
HAMIDI, Nawel (2004) (With Charmaine Rodriguez), Analysis of the draft Kenyan Freedom of Information Bill 1999, Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, India Access:
Academic course material
HAMIDI, Nawel, (2021), “Les conceptions philosophiques de l’être humain dans le cadre des études post-(dé)coloniales, Projet Atopos. Accessible at :
Articles (without reviewing committee)
HAMIDI, Nawel and ROSS-TREMBLAY, Pierrot (2018), « Pam Palmater: portrait d’un militante Mi’kmaw », Liberté – Arts & Politique, no. 321, Fall 2018, pp. 17-23.
HAMIDI, Nawel and KANAPÉ-FONTAINE, Natasha (2018), « L’inexorable insurrection », Liberté – Arts & Politique, no. 321, Fall 2018, pp. 14-17
COLLECTIVE ISHPITENIMATAU TSHIKUAINU ASSI (2018), Manifeste des Premiers peuples (Co-coordinator, with Pierrot Ross-Tremblay, of the collective writing process), Liberté – Arts & Politique, no. 321, Fall 2018, pp. 39-45.
HAMIDI, Nawel and ROSS-TREMBLAY, ‘L’épreuve de la vérité: les Premiers peuples, le Canada et l’esprit de 1867’, Liberté – Arts & politique, nº 319, 26 février 2018
Articles in newspapers
Hamidi, Nawel, Catherine Bullock, Tazeen Hasan, ‘Trudeau’s feminist policies have failed Palestinian women and girls.’ 8 March 2024, The Hill Times, Ottawa.
HAMIDI, Nawel, ‘Liberté ou responsabilité académique ?’, 16 mars 2021, La Rotonde, Ottawa.
HAMIDI, Nawel, ROSS-TREMBLAY, Pierrot, SAMSON, Colin, ‘The Hidden Part of Canada and British-Columbia’s MOU with the Wet’suwet’en’, 17 July 2020, The Rabble, Ottawa.
HAMIDI, Nawel and ROSS-TREMBLAY, Pierrot, ‘Les souliers du polichinelle’, 8 mars 2020, La Presse, Montréal.
HAMIDI, Nawel and ROSS-TREMBLAY, Pierrot, ‘Honorer ou trahir’, 8 juin 2019, Le Devoir, Montréal.
HAMIDI, Nawel and ROSS-TREMBLAY, Pierrot, ‘Le mandat doit être révisé’, La Presse, 18 juillet 2017.
HAMIDI, Nawel and ROSS-TREMBLAY, Pierrot, ‘Enquête sur les femmes autochtones : des constats plus qu’inquiétants’, Le Devoir, 28 septembre 2017.
HAMIDI, Nawel and ROSS-TREMBLAY, ‘Femmes et filles assassinées et disparues: des constats inquiétants’, La Presse, 27 septembre 2017.
Book Review
HAMIDI, Nawel et ROSS-TREMBLAY, Pierrot (2019) ‘Cachez ce colonialisme que nous ne saurions voir’, Revue du livre de ZEBEDEE NUNGAK, Contre le colonialisme dopé aux stéroïdes: Le combat des Inuit du Québec pour leurs terres ancestrales, Liberté, no. 325, pp. 70-71.
HAMIDI, Nawel, The Experience and Practice of Hogra in Algeria: Feudalism, State Militarism and Post-Colonial Figures of Humiliation in Algeria, PhD Thesis, University of Essex (UK).
HAMIDI, Nawel, La dignité humaine dans l’Islam : Perspective de l’Imam Musa El-Sadr, Maîtrise en Sciences de la mission et du dialogue interreligieux, Université St-Paul/Université d’Ottawa.
• Systemic humiliation and militarism. • Western Feudalism, ecclesial dominium, land tenure and colonialism. • Personal status and citizenship under colonial and postcolonial regime. • Psychosocial theories on internalization of colonial and racial norm: processes and resistance. • Self-determination and Non-Western epistemologies. • Legal forms of land dispossession and extinguishment: Modern treaties in Canada. • Genocides and democides in colonial and postcolonial contexts.
Insight SSHRC / Co-researcher / 377,849$ / By, for and with: reflecting on the parameters of First Peoples’ self-determination.