Home > Julie Paquette
Professeur Julie Paquette

Julie Paquette

Associate Professor | Faculty staff

E-mail : jupaquette@ustpaul.ca

Phone : 613 236-1393 , extension 2495

Office : GIG 229


Dr. Julie Paquette is an associate professor at the Élisabeth-Bruyère School of Social Innovation, Faculties of Human Sciences and Philosophy at Saint-Paul, University in Ottawa. She holds a PhD in political thought and is a specialist of the work of Pier Paolo Pasolini. Her researches are in the areas of ethics, arts and politics and are subdivided in three domains: new forms of fascism, the state of exception and studies on scandal and freedom of expression.

Among her publications, we find the collective work co-edited with Emmanuelle Sirois and Ève Lamoureux, Arts. Between freedoms and scandals. Case studies, (Arts, entre libertés et scandales. Études de cas) published by Nota Bene, 2020. She has also published numerous articles around the thought of Pier Paolo Pasolini including in De(s)générations, Théâtre public, ThéoRèmes review, Cinémas magazine, Magazine littéraire, Nouveaux cahiers du socialisme and Oltreoceano.

University of Montreal, Canada (2012-2014)
Postdoctoral researcher at the Canadian Centre for German and European Studies and the Centre de recherches intermédiales sur les arts, les lettres et les techniques de l’Université de Montréal
In the research’s context on: “Pier Paolo Pasolini, la question d’un nouveau fascisme et l’École de Francfort”

University of Ottawa, Canada (2006-2012)
PhD in Political Studies, with a major in Political Thought and a minor in Canadian Politics
Thesis: “Sade peintre de caractère ou la destitution des volontés d’absolu. Étude d’inspiration lefortienne” .

University of Ottawa, Canada (2004-2006)
Master’s degree in Political Studies, concentration Political Thought
Master Thesis: “L’Affaire Salman Rushdie. Trois perspectives sur la fiction et l’origine. Fethi Benslama, Milan Kundera, Claude Lefort” .

Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada (2001-2004)
Baccalaureate in Political Science, concentration Political Analysis