Enkelejda Sula-Raxhimi
Assistant Professor | Faculty staff
Enkelejda Sula-Raxhimi, assistant professor at the School of Conflict Studies is an anthropologist specialized in Political Anthropology. Her research interests focus on migration and forced displacement – due to conflict and climate change, on political and ethnic violence, gender and conflict, power and abuse of power, and Roma minorities. She has conducted field research in France, Albania and Kosovo.
- Ethnic violence
- International Development
- Migration
- Colonization processes and cultural changes
- Critical Theories
- Violence
Postdoctoral Fellow, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada. 2016-2018
Ph.D., Anthropology, Université de Montréal, Canada, 2016
Visiting Doctoral Fellow, IIAC, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris, France, 2012–2014
Affiliate Fellow, Nieman Foundation for Journalism, Harvard University, USA, 2005–2006
M.A., IDHEAP, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
B.Sc., Physics, University of Tirana
The current research, supported by the SSHRC Insight Development Grant (2020-2022), uses an ethnographic design to examine how the dynamics of displacement intersect with climate change, violence and political unrest and impact the lives of the displaced populations in Haiti.
Edited Special Issues
Sula-Raxhimi, E. and Hanna Kienzler (eds). 2019. Special Issue: “Collective Memories and Legacies of Political Violence in the Balkans, Nationalities Papers, 47(2). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/nps.2018.31
Sula-Raxhimi, E. et Alexandra Dorca (eds). 2016. « L’Étranger », Altérités, 9(1). 116 pages. https://alterites.ca/vol9no1/index_en.html. ISSN 1205-8009.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Sula-Raxhimi, E. 2020. “Dispozitivi normalizues: Politikat mbi romët në Shqipërinë socialiste” (The normalizing apparatus: Roma policies in Socialist Albania). Antropologji, 2 (2): 7-31.
Sula-Raxhimi, E. 2019. “Reading the present through the past: Roma memories in post-war Kosovo”, In Collective Memories and Legacies of Political Violence in the Balkans, Nationalities Papers, Special Issue, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 47(2): 217-231. https://doi.org/10.1017/nps.2018.23
Kienzler, H. and Enkelejda Sula-Raxhimi. 2019. “Introduction”, in Collective Memories and Legacies of Political Violence in the Balkans, Special issue edited by H. Kienzler et Sula-Raxhimi, E. (eds). Nationalities Papers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 47(2): 173-181. https://doi.org/10.1017/nps.2018.31
Sula-Raxhimi, E, Butzbach, C. and Astrid Brouselle. 2019. “Countering Commercial and Corporate Power”. The Lancet Planetary Health, 3(1): PE12-E13, January 1, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S2542-5196(18)30241-9
Sula-Raxhimi, E. and Alexandra Dorca. 2016. « L’étranger. Introduction et présentation du numéro », L’Étranger, Altérités, 9 (1) : 1-8.
Book Chapters
Sula-Raxhimi, E. 2021. “Heterotopias of Displacement: The production of Space in Post-socialist Albania”, in Smoki Musaraj Natasa Gregoric, Remitted Pasts and Palpable Futures: Space and Temporality in Albanian Studies, London: Berghahn Books. (in press)
Sula-Raxhimi, E. 2012. “Pauvreté, exclusion et racisme: modes d’appréhension au pluriel”, in Suarez-Herrera, J.C., Blain, M.J. (eds), Éléments théorico-pratiques pour une approche socio-anthropologique de la recherche en santé mondiale, Conference acts n° 652: cahier d’Acfas, Montreal, Canada, p. 153-166.
Critical Reviews
Sula-Raxhimi, E. and Brousselle, A. 2018. Book review, Humanités environnementales: Enquêtes et Contre-enquêtes. of Blanc G, Demeulenaere É, Feuerhahn W (eds) (Publications de la Sorbonne). Anthropologica, 60(1): 355–356.
Sula-Raxhimi, E. 2014. “Populism, or Playing Extremism by Democratic Rules”, review of Stewart Michael (eds), The Gypsy “menace”: populism and the new anti-Gypsy politics (Oxford University Press). H-SAE, H-NET Reviews, May, 2014. https://networks.h-net.org/node/21311/reviews/27000/sula-raxhimi-stewart-gypsy-menace-populism-and-new-anti-gypsy-politics.
Sula-Raxhimi, E. 2011. “Viva Jerez!” de Hélène Giguère (Presses de l’Université Laval). Anthropologica, 53(2): 361-363.