Home > Catherine E. Clifford

Catherine E. Clifford

Full Professor | Faculty staff

E-mail : cclifford@ustpaul.ca

Phone : 613 236-1393 , extension 2281

Office : GIG 364


Catherine E. Clifford is Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology. Her research interests and publications are focussed primarily in the areas of ecclesiology, ecumenism, and the history of the Second Vatican Council, with a particular emphasis on the understanding of conversion and renewal of the churches, the development of doctrines, and the unity and diversity of Christian communions within the world Christian movement. These questions are of great significance given the changing role of the church in contemporary society. Catherine is a dynamic teacher who enjoys engaging with students from diverse horizons. Her courses explore the changing role and methodologies of theology as theologians seek to reflect on contemporary issues in service of church and society.

  • Ecclesiology
  • Vatican II
  • Oecuménisme
  • Sacramental Theology
  • World Christianity