Catherine E. Clifford
Full Professor | Faculty staff
Catherine E. Clifford is Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology. Her research interests and publications are focussed primarily in the areas of ecclesiology, ecumenism, and the history of the Second Vatican Council, with a particular emphasis on the understanding of conversion and renewal of the churches, the development of doctrines, and the unity and diversity of Christian communions within the world Christian movement. These questions are of great significance given the changing role of the church in contemporary society. Catherine is a dynamic teacher who enjoys engaging with students from diverse horizons. Her courses explore the changing role and methodologies of theology as theologians seek to reflect on contemporary issues in service of church and society.
- Ecclesiology
- Vatican II
- Oecuménisme
- Sacramental Theology
- World Christianity
Ph.D. (Theology), University of St. Michael’s College, Toronto
S.T.L., Université de Fribourg, Switzerland
Graduate Certificate, Ecumenical Studies, Ecumenical Institute of Bossey
B.A. (Hons. Religious Studies), University of Waterloo.
Member of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
- Oxford Handbook on Vatican II
Co-Editor, with Massimo Faggioli, Villanova University. A Substantial Reference work on the context of the Second Vatican Council, the principal themes of its teaching, its reception in different regions of the Catholic Church, by other Christian communities, and its influence on inter-religious relations (Forthcoming 2022) - Communities of Grace
A study of Vatican II’s theology of the Catholic recognition of the ecclesial reality of other Christian churches and communities, its post-conciliar reception and interpretation, and its continuing significance for contemporary ecumenical dialogue. This recognition is the very basis of all Catholic ecumenical commitment. (Liturgical Press, 2023)
Yves Congar. The Spirit of God: Short Writings on the Holy Spirit. Trans. S.M. Brown, M.E. Ginter, J.G. Mueller, and C.E. Clifford. Caholic University of America Press, 2017.
Decoding Vatican II: Interpretation and Ongoing Reception. Madeleva Lectures. New York: Paulist, 2014.
Richard R. Gaillardetz and Catherine E. Clifford. Keys to the Council: Unlocking th Teaching of Vatican II. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2012. (also ublished in Portuguese and Lithuanian).
Groupe des Dombes. “One Teacher: Doctrinal Authority in the Church. Trans. Catherine E. Clifford. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2010.
Catherine Clifford, Pierre Hurtubise, Francis Morrisey, Le Pape: 25 Questions. Novalis, 2009.
The Groupe des Dombes: A Dialogue of Conversion. American University Studies. Theology and Religion, Vol. 231. New York: Peter Lang, 2005.
Edited Books:
C.E. Clifford, M.Attridge, G. Routhier. Vatican II: Canadian Experiences / Experiences canadiennes. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2011.
Groupe des Dombes. For the Communion of the Churches. Catherine E. Clifford, ed. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2010.
Catherine E. Clifford, ed. A Century of Prayer for Christian Unity. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2009.
Special Issues, of Theoforum: “Reformation and Globalization” (2018); “Vatican II for the Next Generation” (2012); “Gifts from the East: Anglican-Catholic-Orthodox Dialogue” (2008)
Chapters in books:
- “Introduction,” (with Massimo Faggioli), in Oxford Handbook of Vatican II. eds. Massimo Faggioli and Catherine E. Clifford. New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press (forthcoming 2022).
- “Christian Unity: A Principle Aim of the Council,” Oxford Handbook of Vatican II. eds. Massomo Faggioli and Catherine E. Clifford. New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press (forthcoming 2022).
- “Towards a Spirituality of Receptive Ecumenical Learning,” in Receptive Ecumenicm and Transformative Ecumenical Learning. eds. Paul D. Murray and Paul Lakeland. 429-438. New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022.
- “Crisis and Hope,” in Priestly Ministry and the People of God: Hopes and Horizons. eds. T. Groome, R. Lennan, R. Gaillardetz. Maryknoll: Orbis, 2022.
- “General Introduction” I.2 Continental Perspectives: North America,” in Vatican II: Legacy and Mandate. Vol. I. Ed. Margit Eckholt. Tubingen University Press (Forthcoming).
- “IV. Theology and Magisterium: Doctrinal Authority – the North American Context,” in Vatican II: Legacy and Mandate. Vol. I. Ed. Margit Eckholt. Tubingen University Press (Forthcoming).
- “The Groupe des Dombes (1954-2011),” in A History of the Desire for Christian Unity: Ecumenism and the Churches 19th-21st Century. Vol. V. Tempus Visitationis – An Ecumenical Spring. ed. A. Melloni. Leiden: Brill (Forthcoming)
- “The Legacy of Vatican II: Untying the Knots of a Difficult Reception,” in The Reshaping of Catholicism: Twelve Events that Shaped Tody’s Church. ed. T. Merrigan. LeuvenL Peeters (forthcoming).
- “Epilogue,” in Looking to the Laity. ed. Anne-Louise Mahoney, 129-136. Toronto: Novalis, 2021. (with Paul-Andre Durocher).
- “Sources for the Study of Vatican II,” in Cambridge Companion to Vatican II. Ed. Richard R. Gaillardetz. 339-352. Cambridge University Press, 2020.
- “Preface,” in Francis, Rejoice and Be Glad: On the Call to Holiness in Today’s World. Study Edition. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist, 2019.
- “The Priority of Social Justice in the Teaching of Vatican II,” in Turning to the World: Social Justice and the Common Good Since Vatican II. Eds. Carl Still and Gertrude Rompre, 165-177. McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2018.
- “Pope Francis’ Call for the Conversion of the Church in Our Time” in Re-visiting Conversion: Fetschrift for Henk Witte (Studies in Catholic Theology), edited by Stefan Van Erp and Karim Schelkins, 147-177, Brill: Leiden and Boston, 2016.
- “Yves Congar Opened a Door into Theology’s Changing Role,” in Take and Read: Christian Writers Reflect on Life’s Most Influential Books, edited by Michael Daley and Dianne Bergant. Apocryphile Press, 2017.
- “A Dialogic Church,” in Go Into the Streets! The Welcoming Church of Pope Francis, edited by Richard R. Gaillardetz and Thomas P. Rausch, New York: Paulist, 2016.
- “Discerning the Present Moment,” in 50 Years After the Vatican II Council: Theologians from all Over the World Deliberate, edited by M. Lamberigts, G. Routhier, P. Ferreira Oliveira, Ch. Theobald, and Bosschaert, 51-78, Paris: International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU)/Rome: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2015.
- “Final Declaration,” in 50 Years After the Vatican II Council: Theologians from all Over the World Deliberate, edited by M. Lamberigts, G. Routhier, P. Ferreira Oliveira, Ch. Theobald, and Bosschaert, 145-151, Paris: International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU)/Rome: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2015.
- “Ecumenical Dialogue, Conversion, and Ecclesial Self-transcendence,” in Lonergan’s Anthropology Revisited, edited by Gerard Whelan, 305-318. Rome: Pontifical Gregorian University, 2015.
- “The Exercise of Ecclesial Authority in Light of Vatican II,” in The Long Shadow of Vatican II, edited by Lucas Rompay, Sam Miglarese, and David Morgan, 58-82. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2015.
- “Teachers and Witnesses of the Early Church in the Roman Catholic Church Today: A Response to Michel Van Parys,” in Sources of Authority: The Early Church. Vol. I. Ed. Tamara Grzelidze. Faith and Order Paper no. 2017, 7-42. Geneva: World Council of Churches Publications, 2014.
- “The Catholic Tubingen School and Ecumenism,” in The Theology of Walter Kasper: A Celebration of His Life and Work. Eds. Krsitin M. Colberg and Robert A. Krieg, 154-169. Notre Dame, IN: Notre Dame University Press, 2013.
- “Lonergan, The Development of Doctrine, and the Reception of Ecumenical Consensus,” in Going Beyond Essentialism: Bernard J. F. Lonergan – An Atypical Scholastic, edited by Cloe Taddei-Ferretti, 243-258. Napoli: Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filisofici, 2012.
- “Elementa ecclesiae: A Basis for the Recognition of the Ecclesial Character of non-Catholic Christian Communities,” in La théologie catholique entre intransigeance et renouveau. La réception des mouvements préconciliaires par Vatican II (Bibliothèque de la Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique, 65), edited by Gilles Routhier, Philippe Roy, Karim Schelkens, 249-269, Turnhout, 2012.
- “Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogue in Canada: Receiving Unitatis Redintegratio” in Vatican II: Expériences canadiennes / Canadian Experiences. 534-558. Ottawa, University of Ottawa Press, 2011.
- “L’herméneutique d’un principe herméneutique: La hiérarchie des vérités, » dans L’autorité des autorités : L’herméneutique théologique de Vatican II, edited by Michael Attridge, Catherine E. Clifford, Gilles Routhier, and Guy Jobin, 69-91. Paris : Cerf, 2010.
- “Editor’s Introduction,” For the Communion of the Churches : The Contribution of the Groupe des Dombes. 1-11. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2010.
- “Die spirituelle Bildung von kirchlichen Mitarbeiten: eine kanadische Perspective,” in Gesendet in den Weinberg des Hernn: Laien in der katholischen Kirche huete und morgen. (Erfurter Theologische Schriften, 35), edited by Benedikt Kranemann und Myriam Wijlens, 141-162, Erfurt: Echter, 2010.
- “Prayer: The Soul of Ecumenical Renewal,” in A Century of Prayer for Christian Unity, edited by Catherine E. Clifford, 11-23. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2009.
- “Marie dans le dialogue oecumenique,” Medjugorje: Regards sur les messages officiels. Dir. Robin Dancause. Paris: Sakramento, 2003.
- “Diverse Structures and Procedures for the Exercise of the Teaching Office: Anglican-Catholic Ecumenical Learning,” Studia Canonica 53/1 (2019) 297-315.
- “Style is Substance: Origins of John W. O’Malleys’ Interpretation of Vatican II, Theological Studies 79/4 (2018) 745-760.
- “Witness to Transforming Grace – Homage to Gregory Baum,” The Ecumenist 55 no. 1 (Winter 2018): 745-760.
- “From the Peace of Augsburg to ‘Metis Nation’: A Uniquely Canadian Ethos of Religious Freedom,” Theoforum (2018) 67-76.
- “A Joint Commemoration of the Reformation in 2017 [Theological Roundtable],” Horizons 44/2 (2017) 405-409.
- “Dialogue and Truth-Seeking in a Post-Truth Culture,” The Ecumenist 54/1 (Winter 2017) 20-22.
- “Re-Membering the Body for a Common Future,” Journal of Ecumenical Studies 52/2 (2017)252-271.
- “Mercy: Mission and Essence of the Church” Theoforum 47 (2016-2017) 213-230.
- “Reflections on Peoplehood and the Church,” Theoforum 46 (2015) 271-292.
- “Dialogue between Churches and Ecclesial Identity,” Science et Esprit 68/2-3 (2016) 309-322.
- “A Response to The Church: Towards a Common Vision from September 2015 Gathering of the North American Academy of Ecumenists,” Journal of Ecumenical Studies 51 no. 3 (2016): 320-336.
- “Pope Francis’ Call for the Conversion of the Church in Our Time,” Australian e-Journal of Theology (April 2015): 33-55.
- “Catholic Perspectives on The Church: Towards a Common Vision,” One in Christ 49 no. 2 (2015): 192-203.
- “Christian Unity: A Real Possibility in the 21st Century?” Philosophy and Theology 27 no. 2 (2015): 459-475.
- “Introduction: Round Table / Table ronde – Gregory Baum’s Truth and Relevance: Catholic Theology in Quebec Since the Quiet Revolution,” Theoforum 45 (2014): 311-312.
- “An Insight into Catholic Intellectual Engagement with Secularity in the Context of Contemporary Quebec,” Theoforum 45 (2014): 313-316.
- “A Contribution from the Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogue of Canada to the Anglican Church of Canada’s Commission on the Marriage Canon,” One in Christ 49 no. (2015): 303-306.
- “Journeying Together: Ecumenism in the 21st Century,” One in Christ 48 no. 1 (2014): 14.
- “Learning From the Council: The Church in Dialogue,” Theoforum 43 no. 1 (2013): 27-46.
- “Ecumenism” in Vocabulary for the Study of Religion. Edited by Kocku von Stuckrad and Robert Segal. Leiden and Boston: Brill ONLINE, 2015.
- “La Conversion de l’Église: une option fondamentale à confirmer, » Unité des chrétiens 164 : 17-19, 2012.
- “Unity and Mission one Hundred Years On,” Journal of Ecumenical Studies 46: 329-342, 2011.
- Catherine E. Clifford and Richard R. Gaillardetz, “Re-Imaging the Ecclesial/Prophetic Vocation of the Theologian” Louvain Studies 34: 336-360, 2010.
- “Reform and the Development of Doctrine: An Ecumenical Endeavor,” The Jurist 71 no. 1 (2011): 35-58.
- “Crisis in the Church? Theological Roundtable – Excommunication – Communication – a Response to Peter Hünermann,” in Horizons 36 no. 2: (2009): 285-340, at 318-326.
- “Kenosis and the Church,” One in Christ 43 no. 2 (2009): 2-5.
- “A New Phase of the Ecumenical Movement” Theoforum 39 no 2 (2008): 235-252.
- Catherine E. Clifford and John S. H. Gibaut, “Introduction,” Special Issue Theoforum 39 no. 2 (2008): 131-132.
- “The Local Church and Its Bishop in Ecumenical Perspective,” The Jurist 69 no. 1 (2009): 59-83.
- “The Ecumenical Context of Dignitatis Humanae: Forty Years After Vatican II,” Science et Esprit [Mélanges Thomas Potvin, o.p.] 59 no. 2-3 (2007): 387-403.
- “The Collaboration of Theology and Canon Law in Light of Lonergan’s Theory,” Studia Canonica 40 no. 1 (2006): 117-136.
- “Emerging Consensus on Collegiality and Catholic Ecumenical Responsibility,” The Jurist 64 no. 2 (2004): 332-360.
- “Kenosis and the Path to Communion,” The Jurist 64 no. 1 (2004): 21-34.
- “La pratique oecuménique de la théologie,” Laval théologique et philosophique 60 no. 1 (2004) : 53-64.
- «Marie dans le dialogue œcuménique, » Theoforum 34: 355-374, 2003.
- “Reflections on the Nature and Purpose of the Church: Catholic Theological Society of America,” Ecumenical Trends 32 no. 9 (2003): 1-9.
- “Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogue in Canada,” Journal of Ecumenical Studies 40 no. 3 (2003): 29-244.
- “Dialogue and Method: Learning from the Groupe des Dombes,” One in Christ 38 (2003): 42-57.
- “Lonergan’s Contribution to Ecumenism,” Theological Studies 63 (2002): 521-538.
- Attridge, Michael, Patricia Beattie, Catherine Clifford, et al. “A Reflection on The Nature and Purpose of the Church. A Stage on the Way to a Common Statement,” One in Christ 37 (2002): 81-95.
- “The Joint Declaration, Method, and the Hermeneutics of Consensus” Journal of Ecumenical Studies 38 (2001): 79-94.
- “A Ministry of Communion for the Whole Church: Proposals for Conversion,” Journal of Ecumenical Studies 35 no 3-4 (1998): 370-379.
- “Reception of the Final Report: Beyond Strengthened Agreement,” One In Christ 32 (1996): 130-148.
- “The Protestant Monastic Community of Grandchamp: History and Spirituality,” Cistercian Studies Quarterly 26 no. 3 (1991): 227-245.
Papers in Conference Proceedings:
- “The Vision of Vatican II: Its FUndamental Principles, Catholic Theolocal Societty of America. Proceedings of the 75th Annual Convention 75 (2021).
- “Catholic Perspectives on The Church: Towards a Common Vision, Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America. Proceedings of the 71st Annual Convention 71 (2016).
- “Catholic Perspectives in The Church: Towards a Common Vision,” Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America, Proceedings of the 70th Annual Convention Vol 70; (2015): 1-2.
- “Vatican II and the Challenge of Renewal in the 21st Century” in Revisiting Vatican II: 50 Years of Renewal. Conference Proceedings. Dharmaram College, Bangalore. (January 31-February 4 2013): 588-600.
- “Ecclesial Conversion and the Path to Christian Unity,” in Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America, Proceedings of the Sixty-eighth Annual Convention Vol 68 (2013): 74-75.
- Learning from the Council: The Church in Dialogue” [in Portuguese translation], Deus na Sociedade Plural: fe simbolos, narrativas. SOTER, 26 Congresso International, 8-11 Julho 2013. Sào Paolo: Ed. Paulinas, 2013.
- “The Word and Sacrament in Ecumenical Dialogue,” Church-Ecumenism Topic Session, Catholic Theological Society of America: Proceedings of the Sixty-seventh Annual Convention, Saint Louis, MO, June 7-10, 2012.
- “Church of Saints and Sinners: Ecclesiological Challenges Arising from Ecumenical Encounters,” Catholic Theological Association of America: Proceedings of the Sixty-sixth Annual Convention, San José California, June 9-13, 2011. Vol. 66..
- Catherine E. Clifford and Richard R. Gaillardetz, “Re-Imaging the Ecclesial/Prophetic Vocation of the Theologian” Catholic Theological Society of America: Proceedings of the Sixty-fifth Annual Convention, Cleveland, Ohio, June 10-13, 2010. Vol. 65.
- “Theology, Church, and Society (INSeCT)” in Catholic Theological Society of America: Proceedings of the Sixty-fifth Annual Convention, Cleveland, Ohio, June 10-13, 2010. Vol. 65.
- “Spiritual, Not Spiritualized Ecumenism,” International Conference on “Receptive Ecumenism and Ecclesial Learning: Learning to be Church Together,” Durham University, England, January 10-14, 2009. (Forthcoming, Oxford UP)
- “Kenosis and the Church,” International Conference on “Receptive Ecumenism and Ecclesial Learning: Learning to be Church Together,” Durham University, England, January 10-14, 2009. (Forthcoming, Oxford UP) https://www.centreforcatholicstudies.co.uk/?page_id=224
- Called to be a Learning Church,” International Conference on “Receptive Ecumenism and Ecclesial Learning: Learning to be Church Together,” Durham University, England, January 10-14, 2009. (Forthcoming, Oxford UP) https://www.centreforcatholicstudies.co.uk/?page_id=224
- “Select Session: The Bishop’s Participation in the Threefold Office of Christ,” Catholic Theological Society of America: Proceedings, (2007).
- “Dialogue and Method: Linking Theological Consensus and Ecumenism of Life,” Ökumene des Lebens als Herausforderung der wissenschaftlichen Theologie /Ecumenism of Life as a Challenge for Academic Theology. Proceedings, of the 14th Academic Consultation of the Societas Oecumenica. Beiheft zur ökumenischen Rundschau Nr. 82. Bernd Jochen Hilberath, Ivana Noble, Johannes Oeldemann, Peter de May, eds. 209-223. Frankfurt am Main: Otto Lembeck, 2008.
- Communautés et ministères : nouvelles problématiques,” in Actes du colloque ‘Communautés et ministères,’ Torhout, Belgium, May 30-June 4, 2005. www.lumenonline.net/claronline/document/…/communuates_et_ministeres/9. communuates_et_ministeres.doc
- “Ecclesiology: The Church’s Mission and Ecumenical Dialogue,” Catholic Theological Society of America: Proceedings of the Fifty-sixth Annual Convention 56 (2001): 160-162.
Book Reviews:
- Review of John W. O’Malley, When Bishops Meet: An Essay Comparing Trent, Vatican I, and Vatican II. Cambridge, MA: Harvard/Belknap Press, 2019,” in Worship 95 (2021): 282-283.
- Review of Dennis M. Doyle, The Catholic Church in a Changing World: A Vatican II Inspired Aproach, Anselm Academic, 2019, in ReadingReligion (Fall 2020).
- Review of Donal Bolen, Nicholas Jesson, Donna Geernaert, eds. Turning Towards Unity: Ecumenical Dialogue 500 Years After the Reformation. Essays in Honour of Monsignor John A. Radano,” The Ecumenist (2017).
- “Review of From Vatican II to Pope Francis: Charting a Catholic Future. Paul Crowley, ed.” in Worship 90 (2016) 470-471.
- “Review of Walter Kasper, The Catholic Church: Nature, Reality, and Mission. London/New York: Bloomsbury / T&T Clark, 2015. in Theoforum 47 (2016-2017): 492-494.
- “Review of Joseph Famerée, Vatican II comme style : L’herméneutique théologique du Concile, Theoforum 46 (2015) 390-392.
- “Review of De Mey P., De Witte P., Mannion G. (eds.), Believing in Community: Ecumenical Reflections on the Church,” in Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 93 (2016) 346-349.
- “Review of A. Denaux, De Mey P.The Ecumenical Legacy of Johannes Cardinal Willebrands (1909-2007),” Cristianesimo nella storia 36 (2015): 710-713.
- “Review of Vertin, M. (ed) No Turning Back: The Testament of Margaret O’Gara (1947-2012),” in The Ecumenist (2015).
- “Review of Yves Congar, My Journal of the Council. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2012.” Theoforum 43 (2013) 193-195.
- “Review of Erin M. Brigham, Sustaining the Hope for Unity: Ecumenical Dialogue in a Postmodern World. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2012.,” in Worship (2015): 92.
- “Review of Douglas M. Koskela, Ecclesiality and Ecumenism: Yves Congar and the Road to Unity. Milwaukee, WI: Marquette UP, 2008,” in Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 52 (2011) 142-146.
- “Review of Growth in Agreement III: International Dialogue Texts and Agreed Statements 1998-2005,” in Science et Esprit 63 no. 2 (2011): 291-292.
- “Review of In God’s Hands: Essays on the Church and Ecumenism in Honour of Michael A. Fahey, S.J. Jarislav Z. Skira and Michael S. Attridge, eds. Leuven: Leuven UP / Peeters, 2006,” Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 54 no. 3-4 (2010): 401-404.
- “Review of Lorelei F. FUchs, Koinonia and the Quest for an Ecumenical Ecclesiology, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2008,” Ecumenical Review 61 no. (2009): 357-359.
- “Review of Gabriel Flynn, Yves Congar: Theologian of the Church. Louvain Theological and Pastoral Monographs, 32. Louvain: Peeters, 2005. 503 + xvi pp,” Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 48 (2007): 117-122.
- “Review of Claude Geffré, De Babel à Pentecôte. Essais de théologie interreligieuse. Cogitatio Fidei 247. Paris : Les Éditions du Cerf, 2006. 363 pp. Theological Studies 68 (2007): 461-462.
- “Review of James F. Puglisi, ed. Liturgical Renewal as a Way to Christian Unity. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2005, 232 pp, “Studia Canonica 39 no. 1-2 (2005): 391-393.
- “Review of: Ghislain Lafont, Imagining the Catholic Church: Structured Communion in the Spirit. Trans. John J. Burkhard. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2000. ix + 225 pp.” in The Jurist 63 (2003): 194-196.
- “Review of: “Genevieve Glen, Ed. Recovering the Riches of Anointing. A Study of the Sacrament of the Sick. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2002.” In Studia Canonica 36 no. 2 (2003): 553-555.
- Not as Guests, but as Full Participants: Perspectives on Women in the Church Today
Invited Keynote
Veritas Lecture Series, King’s University College, London, Ontario - Decoding Vatican II: Ecclesial Identity, Dialogue, and Reform
Invited Keynote
Madeleva Lecture, Saint Mary’s College, University of Notre Dame. The Madeleva Lecture is named for Sister Madeleva Wolff, CSC, who served as President of the College from 1934-1961. Her many accomplishments include the establishment in 1943 of the School of Sacred Theology, the first institution in the United States to provide graduate education in theology to women. The lecture series named in her honour has for over three decades given voice to women scholars in the discipline of theology.
- “Being Church in a Time of Pandemic”
Blogpost, Go, Rebuild My House (August 20, 2020) - Responsibility in Ministry and Vulnerability
Blogpost: Go, Rebuild My House (May 23, 2019) - Lost in Translation? Rebuilding A Comprehensive Christian Theology of Priesthood
Blogpost: Go, Rebuild My House (September 5, 2019) - Let There Be Light
Blogpost: Go, Rebuild My House (Dcember 20, 2019) - An End to the Age of Hubris?
Blogpost: Go, Rebuild My House (April 30, 2020) - My Soul is Fading Away, Overwhelmed By Acedia (Ps 119:28)
Blogpost: Go, Rebuild My House (May 6, 2021) - The Remedy of Syodality
Blogpost: Go, Rebuild My House (16 September, 2021) - Dispatch from Ottawa
Blogpost, Go, Rebuild my House (22 fevrier 2022)
Director, Research Centre for the study of Vatican II and 21st Century Catholicism, Saint Paul University (2011-)
Executive Board, Catholic Theological Society of America (2015-2017)
Steering Committee, International Network for Societies of Catholic Theology (2008-2014)
Member, American Theological Society (2018-)
Executive Board, North American Academy of Ecumenists (2003-2006; 2015-2018)
Co-chair, Vatican II Studies Group, American Academy of Religion (2017-)
Task Force: Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada and Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (2016-2017)
Global Christian Forum, (2016-2018)
Methodist-Roman Catholic International Dialogue (2017-)