Carol Kuzmochka
Professor | Faculty staff
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Dr. Carol Kuzmochka is a practical theologian specializing in adult faith education (catechesis) and pastoral leadership with expertise in integral adult learning and formation, transformative education and leadership, reflective practice and transformative process facilitation, group dynamics and the spirituality of leadership. She has extensive practice in qualitative research. Carol holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Dalhousie University (Halifax), a Master of Religious Education Degree and a Doctor of Ministry Degree/doctorat en théologie practique from Saint Paul University (Ottawa). Along with these academic achievements, she completed a Certificate in Transformative Process Facilitation under the leadership of Dr. Marge Denis. Carol is a professor in the Providence School of Transformative Leadership and Spirituality, and Director and Lead Researcher for the Centre for Religious Education and Catechesis (CREC) where she designs and leads an Awareness-Based Action Research Project in search of transforming practice in Adult Faith Education/Accompaniment. The CREC also offers a wide array of knowledge sharing platforms for practitioners across Canada. Carol has extensive experience as a practitioner in the field as director of adult faith education for the English sectors of the Diocese of Timmins (1994 – 2002) and the Archdiocese of Ottawa (2002 – 2006). She was director of the Centre for Pastoral Leadership and Spirituality at Saint Paul University from 2006 – 2012 and continues a long and highly respected teaching career (which began in 2006) of a wide array of courses at Saint Paul University
- Adult Education / Transformative Education
- Adult Catechesis
- Action Research
- Group Dynamics
- Pastoral Leadership
- Practical Theology
- Reflective Practice
- Spirituality of Leadership
- Doctor of Ministry/doctorat en théologie practique, Saint Paul University, Ottawa
- Master of Religious Education, Saint Paul University.
- Bachelor of Arts, major in Philosophy, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
- Certificate in Transformative Process Facilitation, Marge Denis and Associates, “Stillpoint Institute,”Huntsville, Ontario.
- Kuzmochka, Carol, Miriam Martin et al, Where Faith and Life Meet While We’re Two Metres Apart: Wisdom from Accompanying Adult Faith During a Global Pandemic (Saint Paul University, 2021).
- Kuzmochka, Carol, Miriam Martin et al, Five Promising Practices and Other Practical Wisdom: A Resource for All Who Accompany Adult Faith ( Saint Paul University, 2019).
- Kuzmochka, Carol, “The Essential Role of Innovation for Educating in Faith and Life that Promotes Inclusion and Respectful Relationships: Some findings from an Action Research Study of Adult Faith Education in Canada,” in REA Conference Proceedings, 2019, pp 189-199
- Kuzmochka, Carol, “Towards Healthy Conflict Responses for Pastoral Ministers: Drawing on the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Response Theory and Survey” in Reflective Practice: Formation and Supervision in Ministry. ISSN 2325-2847, Vol. 39, May 2019, 123-126.
- Clayton, Kimberly, Carol Kuzmochka and Lorraine Ste-Marie, “Calm in the Midst of the Storm,” in Barbara Blodgett and Mathew Floding, Editors, Brimming with God: Reflecting Theologically on Cases in Ministry. Pickwick Publication, Oregon, 2015, pp. 54 – 67.
- Kuzmochka, Carol, Reclaiming the Heart of Adult Catechesis: A Case Study in Search of Processes that Empower Mature Christian Disciples, 2014