OTTAWA, Monday, March 18, 2024 – Last week, the Saint Paul University community gathered to celebrate books by professors in the Faculties of Human Sciences and Philosophy that have been published over the past few years.
“I want to extend a heartfelt congratulations to all of the faculty members who have been showcased during this year’s collective book launch,” shared Louis Patrick Leroux, Rector of Saint Paul University. “Each book represents an important contribution to their respective fields and is a testament to our faculty’s dedication, expertise and academic excellence.”
In total, 19 books were featured. Please see the full list below:
Positive Psychology and Spirituality in Counselling and Psychotherapy (Peeters, Belgium, 2022)
Edited by Christian Bellehumeur, Kam, Chris, Malette, Judith., Maisha, Buuma
Faux rebelles : Les dérives du « politiquement incorrect » (Éditions Poètes de brousse, 2022)
By Philippe Bernier Arcand
The Revolutionary Art of Love: From Romantic Love to Global Compassion (Academica Press, 2021)
By Bianca Briciu
La révolution congolaise: Kabila, la rue et l’alternance (Persée, 2022)
By Yvon Muya Cimanga
Éthiques de l’hospitalité, du don et du care : Actualité, regards croisés (Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa, 2020)
By Sophie Bourgault, Sophie Cloutier et Stéphanie Gaudet
Earthly Things: Immanence, New Materialisms, and Planetary Thinking (New York: Fordham, 2023)
Edited by Karen Bray, Whitney Bauman, and Heather Eaton
Integrating Spirituality into Counseling. Methods and Practices (Routledge, 2023)
By Andrzej. K. Jastrzębski
Mémoires éclatées, mémoires conciliées. Essai sur le Wild West Show de Gabriel Dumont (Sudbury, Prise de parole, 2021)
By Aurélie Lacassagne
Ascendance détournée. Quand les Blancs revendiquent une identité autochtone (Sudbury, Prise de parole, 2022)
Translated by Aurélie Lacassagne et Darryl Leroux
Cultural Roads and Itineraries. Concepts and Cases (London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021)
Edited by Jonathan Paquette, Aurélie Lacassagne, Christophe Alcantra
Ineligible : single mothers under welfare surveillance (Fernwood Publishing 2021)
By Krys Maki
Remember Um Nyobe 100 ans de lutte au Cameroun: Resistance- nationalisme et mémoire (Bamenda/Johannesburg, Edition Langaa -RPCIG, 2021)
By Modeste Mba Talla
Joan Didion and the Ethics of Memory (Bloomsbury, 2021)
By Matthew McLennan
Seize temps noirs pour apprendre à dire kuei (Mémoire d’encrier, 2022)
By Philippe Néméh-Nombré
Les droits en mouvements (Somme toute, 2022)
Edited by Philippe Néméh-Nombré, Christian Nadeau
Arts entre libertés et scandales (Montréal, Nota Bene, 2020)
By Julie Paquette, Emmanuelle Sirois, Ève Lamoureux
Les enseignantes et enseignants contractuels dans l’université du 21e siècle (ACFAS, 2022)
Edited by Michaël Séguin, Guay, F., Boucher, M.-P., Lewis, D., & Héon-Morissette, B.
Psychanalyse et théorie du sens : Jean Laplanche et la sémiotique (Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 2021)
Edited by Hélène Tessier
Conflict-Related Sexual Violence Against Men in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Lifting the Veil of Secrecy Around a Controversial and Taboo Subject (2022)
By Ines Yagi
For more information, please contact:
Julie Bourassa
Communications Officer, Saint Paul University
613-236-1393, ext. 2310