Graduate Microprogram in Safeguarding Minors and Vulnerable Adults

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Sexual assault, whose victims are minors and vulnerable adults, is a terrible reality. It is a criminal act that has long-term consequences and causes serious harm to survivors and communities.

Better protecting minors and vulnerable adults from abuse is the primary objective of this training, which will provide students with skills that will surely be of interest to future employers, in addition to their usefulness in everyday life, given the large number of victims of sexual abuse in society, whether in the Church, in sports, in youth movements or in families.

Admission Requirements

The registration process for the Microprogram in Safeguarding Minors and Vulnerable Adults depends on your student status.

Students already admitted and enrolled in a graduate program

Students wishing to pursue a graduate program must apply for, and be admitted to, their graduate program before they enroll in a second graduate microprogram identified within their existing program.

If you have already enrolled in a graduate studies program and would like to add a microprogram to your program of study, contact your academic advisor.

Special students

Students pursuing a graduate Microprogram in Safeguarding Minors and Vulnerable Adults, without being admitted to or intending to complete a graduate program, must do so as a special student.

Special students may enroll in graduate courses provided they have obtained an undergraduate university degree (or equivalent).


Please send an email at and include the following documents:

  • Copies of transcripts from all universities you have attended

Program Requirements

Compulsory Courses (6 units)

  • HTP5101 Victims of Sexual Abuse in Society and the Church (3u)
  • HTP5102 Perpetrators of Sexual Violence in Various Contexts and Prevention (3u)

Optional Courses (3 units)

3 units from:

  • DCA5139 Canon Law on Safeguarding Minors and Vulnerable Persons (3u)
  • HTP5103 Special Topics in Safeguarding Minors and Vulnerable Persons (3u)


DCA5139 Canon Law on Safeguarding Minors and Vulnerable Persons (3u)

A comprehensive and practical study of the “proactive” and “reactive” canonical responses of the Church to the sexual abuse of minors and vulnerable persons. Development of laws, universal and particular, and their practical application.

HTP5101 Victims of Sexual Abuse in Society and the Church (3u)

Definitions and contextualization. The issues of victims of sexual abuse: disclosing the abuse and the short and long term physical, relational and spiritual consequences, as well as the different therapeutic models.

HTP5102 Perpetrators of Sexual Violence in Various Contexts and Prevention (3u)

The dynamics of sexual violence in various contexts. Recognizing signs of imminent sexual abuse. Clinical and spiritual care for perpetrators. Prevention.

HTP5103 Special Topics in Safeguarding Minors and Vulnerable Persons (3u)

Study of a particular theme in the field of safeguarding of minors and vulnerable persons.