God is forever revealing Himself to humanity. The sensus fidelium is the corporate or ecclesial sense that enables the entire People of God to understand this revelation in the light of their lived faith experience. Pope Francis has always spoken of his desire and vision for a synodal Church; a Church where genuine attention and receptive listening to the sensus fidelium is indispensable. Since faith and law are two vital realities at the heart of the Church – and the sensus fidelium is an aspect of faith – the Webinar will reflect on the relationship between the sensus fidelium and canon law in a synodal Church.
Monsignor Anthony Ekpo
Monsignor Anthony Ekpo holds doctorates in Systematic Theology (Australian Catholic University) and in Canon Law (Pontifical Gregorian University). Having worked as an Official in the Secretariat of State of His Holiness for nearly seven years, Mons. Ekpo now serves as Undersecretary of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. He also serves as a Visiting Professor of Canon Law at the Pontifical Gregorian University and as an Adjunct Professor of the Australian Catholic University. He has published numerous books and articles in the fields of theology and canon law. He is the author of the recently published The Roman Curia: History, Theology, and Organization.