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CPCS Workshop | Resilience:The Force to Create Outer and Inner Boundaries

April 25, 2024

9 a.m. to 3 p.m. EST (UTC-5)

The seminar is offered Online and in English only.

Resilience refers to our mental resistance. It helps us to deal with adverse circumstances in such a way that we do not break when faced with them. It prevents us from becoming traumatized, even if external influences give us every reason to.

However, resilience also grows by adequately dealing with what, at first glance, appears to be harmful to us. It takes strength and courage to integrate what could have broken us.

Resilience helps us to resist abusive seduction. It helps us survive abuse – and can even grow after we have been exposed to abusive behavior. This resilience does not eradicate our vulnerability but shows us ways to protect ourselves and to be more sensitive when dealing with others. This is why this strength is crucial for the prevention of potential victims. But it also serves as prophylaxis for potential perpetrators: those who are sensitive to their own wounds and their own neediness will not harm others.


Dr. Buuma M. Maisha

Dr. Buuma M. Maisha is an Associate Professor, Registered Psychotherapist, and Researcher in the school of counselling, psychotherapy and spirituality at Saint Paul University, Ottawa. He also works as a consultant with organizations providing mental health services to sexual and war-related trauma survivors.” His publication list includes a co-edited book on ‘Fostering Resilience Before, During, and After Experiences of Trauma: Insights to Inform Practice Across the Lifetime’.

Mariele Wulf CPCS Université Saint Paul University (USP SPU)

Claudia Mariéle Wulf Dr. phil., Dr. theol. habil.

Claudia Mariéle Wulf Dr. phil., Dr. theol. habil., is the director of the Centre for Safeguarding of Minors and Vulnerable Persons and professor at the faculty of canon law. Her research focusses on philosophical anthropology, moral subjects, the theology of redemption and on epistemology in ethics and research. She writes on professional ethics; the recent focus lies on abuse and on all forms of vulnerability, on the outcomes of traumatic experiences and on the phenomenon of narcissism.

To contact us: CPCS@ustpaul.ca

Saint Paul University

223 rue Main Street Ottawa,
Ontario Canada K1S 1C4
+1 613 236-1393

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