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A Message From the Rector: Welcome!

News, Press releases

I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you, and a welcome back to those who are returning to us. Our world is in dire need of people like you, who carry within them the promise of a better future, of a stronger, more inclusive and more humane society. Continue to grow, to contribute to our world while realizing the dreams and talents that are unique to you.Today, SPU is experiencing a period of growth, of which you, the students who have chosen to pursue your academic career here, are an integral part. With the support of our dedicated and competent faculty and staff, I am confident that you will achieve your goals throughout your academic year at SPU.We are confident that you will meet the challenges ahead at Saint Paul with energy and imagination. Lean into the core values that have shaped and guided Saint Paul University since its founding 175 years ago and prepare to "Change the Face of the World."Happy back-to-school and good luck!

Chantal Beauvais
