Archival Services

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a. Searching our Archives

Archival Services has created search directories for each of its fonds and collections to present the scope of its documents and to facilitate searches.

The information you find will help you decide whether a particular fonds or collection is important for your research and justifies a visit to our archives to consult the documents in person, or merits a reproduction request.

b. Institutional and Historical Archival Fonds

What is an institutional archival fonds?

An institutional archival fonds includes all documentation produced or received by University staff as part of its activities. It consists of documents with a common origin; each document is classified, archived and preserved as proof of the activity and to facilitate follow-up.

Archival documents are therefore organized so they are easily accessible for consultation or restitution. Each archive is evidence and for this reason must be retained so it can be reused in the event of a dispute.

List of our institutional and historical fonds [in French only]:                             

c. Private Archival Fonds and Special Collections

What is a private fonds?

A private archival fonds consists of documents from a physical or moral person who worked at the University or whose activities closely connected to university life and its areas of interest.

The purpose of acquiring private archives is to promote documents and make them accessible to enhance the body of knowledge in teaching and research.

What is a special collection?

Special collections gather unique documents from the Library that are kept separate from regular Library collections and stored safely in our archival facilities, which are subject to environmental controls aimed at preservation. Over time, collections are formed thanks to donations, purchases and transfers from the Library’s general collection.

Description of our private fonds and special collections            

d. Repository for Archival Fonds

What does it mean to be a repository for archival fonds?

In addition to housing the University’s administrative and historical fonds, as well as private fonds and archival collections, we also “hold” fonds needing to be preserved. To consult the documents found in those fonds, you must contact the organization to whom they belong directly to obtain a written permission. The person responsible for the fonds will look for the requested information or send us written permission giving you access to the documents. Your visit must then be planned with our staff.

List of archival fonds in our repository: