Cynthia Bilodeau
- Counselling
2010 – 2012 Postodoctoral Fellow, University of Ottawa
2004 – 2010 Doctorate in Education (Ph.D.) Professional Guidance, University of Sherbrooke
2002 – 2004 Master in Education (M.Ed.) Educational Counselling, University of Ottawa
1998 – 2002 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Psychology, McGill University
- Cannexus 15, National Career Development conference
L’entrepreneuriat : Un choix de vie ou de carrière? Presented at Cannexus 15, National Career Development conference, Ottawa Ontario, January 2015. Bilodeau, C., & Lamoureux, E.
- 12e colloque sur l’approche orientante
La Personnalité entrepreneuriale en pratique. Presented at l’Association québécoise d’information scolaire et professionnelle colloque 12e colloque sur l’approche orientante, Quebec Quebec, March 2013. Lamoureux, E., & Bilodeau, C.
- A multifaith spiritually-based intervention for generalized anxiety disorder: A pilot randomized controlled trial.
Poster presentation at the Anxiety Disorders Association of America annual conference, La Jolla California, April 2013. Koszycki, D., Bilodeau, C., Raab, K., & Bradwejn, J.
- Cannexus 13, National Career Development conference
L’Entrepreneuriat en contexte d’orientation. Presentation at Cannexus 13, National Career Development conference, Ottawa Ontario, janvier 2013
- Colloque de l’Ordre des conseillers et conseillères d’orientation du Québec (OCCOQ)
Évaluer et intervenir dans le domaine de l’entrepreneuriat en contexte de counseling d’orientation. Presentation at the Colloque de l’Ordre des conseillers et conseillères d’orientation du Québec (OCCOQ). Laval Québec, June 2012. Lamoureux, E., & Bilodeau, C.
- 4th annual Brain Health Research day
Recognition of facial expressions of emotions in children at high and low genetic risk for anxiety. Poster presentation at the 4th annual Brain Health Research day, Ottawa Ontario, juin, 2012. Bilodeau, C., Koszycki, D., & Bradwejn, J.
- Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association annual conferenc
Évaluer le potentiel entrepreneurial: présentation d’une typologie de styles de personnalités entrepreneuriale. Presentation at the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association annual conference, Calgary, Alberta, May 2012. Bilodeau, C., & Lamoureux, E.
- Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association annual conference
La honte en supervision. Presentation at the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association annual conference, Calgary, Alberta, May 2012. Bilodeau, C., et Savard, R.
- Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association annual conference
Counsellor supervision: Counsellor supervision: Inquiries into the practices and professional development of Canadian supervisors. Panel presentation at the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association annual conference, Calgary, Alberta, May 2012. Bilodeau, C., Thériault, A., Assouline, I., Isenor, J., & Pascale, L.
- Anxiety Disorders Association of America annual conference in Washintong DC
Recognition of facial expressions of emotions in children at high and low genetic risk for anxiety. Poster presentation at the Anxiety Disorders Association of America annual conference in Washintong DC, April 2012. Bilodeau, C., Koszycki, D., & Bradwejn, J.
- Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies annual convention
Randomized Trial of a Multifaith Spiritual Intervention for Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A Pilot Study. Poster presentation at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies annual convention, November 2011. Koszycki, D, Bilodeau, C., Raab, K., & Bradwejn, J
- Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association annual conference
Shame and the supervisory alliance: Recent research. Panel presentation on supervision research at the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association annual conference, Saskatoon Saskatchewan, May 2009. Bilodeau, C., Black, T., Paré, D., & Shepard, B.
- American Psychological Association in Toronto Ontario
The effects of shame on the supervisory process and outcome. Poster presnetation at the American Psychological Association in Toronto Ontario, August 2009. Bilodeau, C., Savard, R., & Lecomte, C.
- The Role of Shame in the Supervisory Process.
Presentation at the University of Ottawa superivsion symposium, Ottawa Ontario, October 2008. Bilodeau, C., & Lecomte, C.
- Colloque de l’Ordre des conseillers et conseillères d’orientation et des psychoéducateurs et psychoéducatrices du Québec (OCCOPPQ)
L’expérience de la honte en supervision. Presentation at the Colloque de l’Ordre des conseillers et conseillères d’orientation et des psychoéducateurs et psychoéducatrices du Québec (OCCOPPQ), St-Hyacinthe Québec, May 2008. Bilodeau, C. et Savard, R.
- 76th convention of the Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS)
Le développement de carrière dans les petites et moyennes entreprises: recension des écrits. Presentation at the 76th convention of the Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS). Québec Québec, May 2008. Goyer, L., Savard, R., Bilodeau, C., Veilleux, D., et Dorion, M.
- Forum of Labour Market
L’impact de l’IMT sur le processus décisionnel relatif au choix de carrière. Presented at the Forum of Labour Market, Halifax Nova Scotia, November 2005. Savard, R., Michaud, G., & Bilodeau, C.