Christopher John Gunter
Les travaux de recherche du professeur Gunter sont principalement basés sur le pouvoir de la culture. En d’autres termes, comment la culture (sous ses nombreuses formes artistiques) est-elle utilisée, gérée, diffusée et créée par les personnes ? Actuellement, le professeur Gunter est co-chercheur dans un projet financé par le gouvernement fédéral qui explore le paysage changeant de la responsabilité culturelle dans le financement des arts pour les artistes francophones en situation minoritaire. De même, le travail et l’implication du professeur Gunter dans la scène musicale DIY ont conduit à un projet collaboratif documentant la scène musicale underground canadienne et ses implications pour l’innovation sociale et l’émancipation.
Le professeur Gunter est présentement le directeur de l’axe de recherche sur les politiques culturelles (https://www.culturalpolicynetwork.org/) et le co-éditeur et directeur du Journal Culture et Governance Locale (https://uottawa.scholarsportal.info/ottawa/index.php/clg-cgl/).
2018 – Ph.D. (Politique publique), Administration Publique, Université d’Ottawa, Ottawa, ON. Thèse de doctorat :Participation and Policy: Exploring the Social Action Museum.
2011 – M.PHIL. (Honours), Interdisciplinary Policy Studies (Philosophy, Political Science & Economics stream), University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B., Thesis: Transforming the New Brunswick Energy Hub: An Analysis of Renewable Energy.
2010 – University Teaching Diploma (DUT), University of New Brunswick.
2008 – B.B.A. (Honours), Finance, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B.
- Résistance culturelle
- Travail et patrimoine
- Le punk et l’innovation sociale
Publications de revues d’examen par les pairs
Gunter, C. (2023). Not a Museum, But a Community of Relationships: A Canadian Ecomuseum case study. Asia-Pacific Journal of Canadian Studies, 29(2), 105–125.
Gunter, C. & Nelson, R. (2022). Producing the Past: The Changing Protagonists of Canadian Heritage. The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, 52(6), p. 369-386, doi: 10.1080/10632921.2022.2093807
Gunter, C. (2020). L’évolution des missions des services culturels municipaux au Canada : de l’instrumentalité à l’innovation sociale. Pyramides : Revue du Centre d’Études et de Recherches en Administration Publique, 30, p. 93-124. From https://journals.openedition.org/pyramides/1799
Gunter, C. (2019). La nouvelle muséologie comme mouvement politique et sa réception en France et au Québec. Culture and Local Governance / Culture et gouvernance locale, 6 (1), p. 50-63, doi: 10.18192/clg-cgl.v6i1.4556
Gunter, C. (2017). Ecomuseums: challenging temporality through community reappropriation. The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, 47(4), p. 259-273, doi:10.1080/10632921.2017.1320617
Paquette, J. & Gunter, C. (2016). Museums, galleries, and innovation ecosystem: museum policies and communities. Bluebook – The Cultural and Technology P.212-226.
Paquette, J. Beauregard, D. & Gunter, C. (2016). Positivism and cultural policy: Saint-Simon, Comte, Littré and the French Cultural Policy. Modern & Contemporary France, p.15-30 25(1), doi: 10.1080/09639489.2016.1197894
Paquette, J. & Gunter, C. (2016). Exposer la science et le professionnalisme :symbolisme organisationnel et commémoration professionnelle dans les musées vietnamiens. THEMA. La revue des Musées de la civilization, 4(1), p.1-16, From : https://thema.mcq.org/index.php/Thema/article/view/83
Paquette, J., Beauregard, D. & Gunter, C. (2015). Settler colonialism and cultural policy: The colonial foundations and refoundations of Canadian cultural policy, The International Journal of Cultural Policy, 21(5), p. 1-16, doi: 10.1080/10286632.2015.1043294
Publications de chapitres de livres évalués par des pairs
Gunter, C. & Anglin, J. (2024). Labour Cultural Heritage as Social Innovation – Two Canadian Studies. The Activist Museum: Practice, theories and actors. p.49-59. Museet Køn (eds). https://pure.au.dk/portal/files/371095962/The_activist_Museum_US_optimized_for_web.pdf
Gunter, C. & Anglin, J. (2023). Arbejderkulturarv som social innovation – To canasiake studier. Det aktivistiske Museum : praksisser, teorier og aktører. p.48-59. Museet Køn (eds).
Gunter, C. (2021). Representing the Marginalized Public: How the Workers’ History Museum challenge the heritage policy landscape. The Study of Cultural Policy in Canada (eds), p.114-128. Palgrave. doi: 10.4324/9781003134022-10
Gunter, C. (2021). ‘People’s History’: Curating labour activism through Itineraries. Cultural Roads and Itineraries: Concepts and Cases (eds), p. 201-224. Routledge. doi: 10.1007/978-981-16-3533-5_10
Gunter, C. (2021). Representing the Marginalized Public: How the Workers’ History Museum challenge the heritage policy landscape. The Study of Cultural Policy in Canada (eds), p.1-15.
Actes de la conférence
Paquette, J. & Gunter, C. (2023) Valuing Arts and Culture: Cultural Accountability and Linguistic and Cultural Minorities Arts Funding at The 47 th annual Social Theory, Politics and the Arts (STP&A) Conference, University of Kentucky, Lexington, September 21-23, 2023.
Gunter, C. (2023). Ecomuseums: Remembering the past by advocating for the future at SPU Faculty of Human Sciences and Philosophy, Saint-Paul University, May 18, 2023.
Gunter, C. (2023). Exploring the activist trends of Punk as a Chronotope at Speaker Series event, University of Ottawa, March 10, 2023.
Bérubé, J. & Gunter, C. (2022). Recherche collaborative témoignages de chercheur.euse et praticien at 2022 4e colloque du CRITS, Saint-Paul University, Ottawa, November 3 and 4, 2022.
Gunter, C. (2022). Keynote – Corporate Obedience / Community Resistance? The Power of Social Movements at 2022 CRITS, Saint-Paul University, Ottawa, April 19, 2022.
Gunter, C. (2022). Exploring Canadian punk: A chronotope of activism in time and space at 2022 KISMIF Conference 2022, University of Porto, Porto, July 14, 2022.
Gunter, C. (2022). Social Innovation and EDI: The transformation of the Diefenbaker Canada Centre at 2022 Conference Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in the Cultural Sector: The Role of Cultural Organizations, Université du Québec en Outaouais, June 15, 2022.
Gunter, C. (2021). The Chronotope of Punk: Activism in Space and Time at The USA & Canada Punk Scholar Network and PIND: Une histoire de la scène punk en France, December 5, 2021.
Gunter, C. (2020). The “anti-Malraux”? The new localism in French-speaking museology at Les politiques de la culture au sein de la francophonie Conference, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, April 30, 2020.
Paquette, J., Lacassagne, A. & Gunter, C. (2016). Terroir and the Makers Movement: the entrepreneurial renewal of a cultural industry in North-America at The Cultural and Technological Innovation Symposium (November, Shenzhen).
Paquette, J. & Gunter, C. (2014). Space and Authenticity: Cultural industries and the notion of terroir at The Second International Cultural Administration Conference (July, Beijing).
Revue de livres
Gunter, C. J. (2014). Review of “Museums and Social Activism: Engaged Protest,” by Kylie Message. The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, 44(3), 202–204. doi:10.1080/10632921.2014.943445
Présentations des documents de la conférence
Paquette, J. & Gunter, C. (2023) Valuing Arts and Culture: Cultural Accountability and Linguistic and Cultural Minorities Arts Funding at The 47 th annual Social Theory, Politics and the Arts (STP&A) Conference, University of Kentucky, Lexington, September 21-23, 2023.
Gunter, C. (2023). Ecomuseums: Remembering the past by advocating for the future at SPU Faculty of Human Sciences and Philosophy, Saint-Paul University, May 18, 2023.
Gunter, C. (2023). Exploring the activist trends of Punk as a Chronotope at Speaker Series event, University of Ottawa, March 10, 2023.
Bérubé, J. & Gunter, C. (2022). Recherche collaborative témoignages de chercheur.euse et praticien at 2022 4e colloque du CRITS, Saint-Paul University, Ottawa, November 3 and 4, 2022.
Gunter, C. (2022). Keynote – Corporate Obedience / Community Resistance? The Power of Social Movements at 2022 CRITS, Saint-Paul University, Ottawa, April 19, 2022.
Gunter, C. (2022). Exploring Canadian punk: A chronotope of activism in time and space at 2022 KISMIF Conference 2022, University of Porto, Porto, July 14, 2022.
Gunter, C. (2022). Social Innovation and EDI: The transformation of the Diefenbaker Canada Centre at 2022 Conference Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in the Cultural Sector: The Role of Cultural Organizations, Université du Québec en Outaouais, June 15, 2022.
Gunter, C. (2021). The Chronotope of Punk: Activism in Space and Time at The USA & Canada Punk Scholar Network and PIND: Une histoire de la scène punk en France, December 5, 2021.
Gunter, C. (2020). The “anti-Malraux”? The new localism in French-speaking museology at Les politiques de la culture au sein de la francophonie Conference, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, April 30, 2020.
Gunter, C. (2019). Activism through community curators: the case of l’Écomusée du fier monde at The 46th annual Social Theory, Politics and the Arts (STP&A) Conference, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, October 10-12, 2019.
Gunter, C. & Nelson, R. (2019). Private Actors, Public Funders: The Heritage Minutes as Propaganda at The 45th annual Social Theory, Politics and the Arts (STP&A) Conference, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, October 10-12, 2019.
Gunter, C. & Nelson, R. (2019). Unpacking the Ministry of Magic: Using Pop Culture to Teach Theories of Public Policy Analysis at 1st annual Canadian Public Policy Network/Réseau Canadien de Politiques Publiques, hosted by the University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON., October 4, 2019.
Gunter, C. (2019). Activism through community curators: the case of the Workers’ History Museum at The Study of Cultural Policy in Canada Conference, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, April 11-12, 2019.
Gunter, C. & Nelson, R. (2019). Canadian heritage commemoration: the role of private and public actors at The Study of Cultural Policy in Canada Conference, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, April 11-12, 2019.
Gunter, C. & Beauregard, D. (2018). The Culture of Commodification: The Ubiquitous Nature of Commodification in Contemporary at The 44th annual Social Theory, Politics and the Arts (STP&A) Conference, University of Manchester in Manchester, England, November 1-3 2018.
Gunter, C. (2016). An archaeology of l’écomusée: Exploring the social action museum at The 42nd annual Social Theory, Politics and the Arts (STP&A) Conference, l’École nationale d’administration publique (l’ÉNAP), Québec, October 14-16, 2016.
Gunter, C. (2016). Creating Policy through Participation: The case of ecomuseums at the 5th Annual National Conference of the Canadian Association of Programs in public administration (CAPPA), l’École nationale d’administration publique (l’ÉNAP), Quebec City, May 16-17, 2016.
Gunter, C. (2014). Internet Gaming Disorder and the Canadian Armed Forces at CF Health Services Group, National Defense. December 10, 2014.
Beauregard, D. & Gunter, C. (2014). Distopic Culture: The Portrayal of Policy Decisions in Science Fiction at The 40th annual Social Theory, Politics and the Arts (STP&A) Conference, University of Ottawa, October, October 11th, 2014.
Gunter, C. (2014). The Social Action Museum at The 40th annual Social Theory, Politics and the Arts (STP&A) Conference, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, October 10th, 2014.
Beauregard, D. & Gunter, C. (2014). A Cycle of Change: The Policy Implications of Doctor Who at Politics and Law of Doctor Who symposium, Westminster University, UK, September 5, 2014.
Gunter, C. (2013). The problematization of wind energy in New Brunswick at The Canadian Science and Technology Historical Association 2013 Conference, Energy and Society: An Energy Rich Canada in an Energy Hungry World, UQAM, Montreal, Quebec, November 1-3, 2013.
Gunter, C. (2012). The North American Electric Reliability Corporation: An Institutional Approach at The Public Administration Graduate Student Conference: Painting the Future of Public Administration, University of Ottawa, April 13, 2012.
Gunter, C. & Ericson, G. (2011). Institutional Design: An Analysis of the Interdisciplinary Department at Crossing Boundaries: Moving Among, Between, and Around Disciplines, Dalhousie University, May 26-27, 2011.
Gunter, C. (2011). Transforming the New Brunswick Energy Hub: An Analysis of Renewable Energy at UNB 2011 Graduate Research Conference, April 29, 2011.
Rapports professionnels non révisés par des pairs
Boucher, M. & Gunter, C. (2020). Facing the climate crisis: A post-Covid green energy constructive reemergence (Policy brief 1-4). Retrieved from https://www.schoolofpublicpolicy.sk.ca/documents/research/policy-briefs/jsgs-policybriefs-covid-series-facing-the-climate-crisis.pdf.
Gunter, C. (2019). Resilience and the New Synthesis Initiative. Public Governance International.
Gunter, C. (2014). Internet Gaming Disorder and the Canadian Armed Forces. Department of National Defense.