
B.A. spécialisé en éthique, justice sociale et service public pour les diplômés des Sciences, lettres et arts du Cégep de l'Outaouais

  • General information
  • Teaching staff
  • Admission
  • Program requirements
  • Courses
  • Contact us

The list of required courses is presented under the Program Requirements tab.

A student enrolled in this Honours Bachelor’s with Specialization Program can add a complementary minor.

Modalités d’admission au programme

Les candidates et candidats admissibles du Cégep de l’Outaouais désirant se prévaloir de la présente entente doivent suivre la procédure suivante :

  • le formulaire d’admission de l’Université Saint-Paul ou du Centre de demande d’admission aux universités de l’Ontario (OUAC) doit être utilisé pour formuler sa demande;
  • la demande d’admission doit être déposée au plus tard le 30 avril et doit être accompagnée d’un relevé de notes attestant l’obtention du diplôme du programme d’études complété du Cégep de l’Outaouais;
  • si le relevé de notes est incomplet, l’admission sera conditionnelle à la présentation d’un relevé de notes final attestant l’obtention du diplôme du programme d’études complété du Cégep de l’Outaouais;
  • les frais administratifs reliés à la demande d’admission s’appliquent.

L’Université Saint-Paul se réserve le droit de refuser cette entente à une candidate ou un candidat ayant obtenu son diplôme collégial du programme d’études du Cégep de l’Outaouais plus de trois ans avant sa demande d’admission. 

Demande d’admission

Vous devez remplir ce formulaire :

Postulez maintenant

Note : Si vous prévoyez faire demande d’admission à plus d’une université, nous vous recommandons de remplir le formulaire de demande d’admission du Centre de demande d’admission aux universités de l’Ontario (OUAC) 

Postulez sur OUAC 


Afin que nous puissions évaluer votre demande d’admission, vous devez soumettre des relevés de notes officiels pour l’ensemble de vos études antérieures (niveaux secondaire, collégial et universitaire). Ces relevés de notes doivent être envoyés directement par votre établissement scolaire à l’adresse suivante : 

Université Saint-Paul
Bureau de l’admission et des services aux étudiants
223, rue Main
Ottawa (Ontario)
K1S 1C4

Toutefois, pour accélérer le processus d’évaluation de votre demande d’admission, vous pouvez numériser vos documents et les faire parvenir par courriel au Bureau de l’admission à l’adresse et, par la suite, transmettre vos documents officiels par la poste.



Dès que le Bureau de l’admission aura reçu l’ensemble des documents qui sont exigés, il procèdera à l’évaluation de votre demande d’admission et l’une des décisions suivantes vous sera envoyée à l’adresse courriel que vous nous avez fournie, ainsi qu’à votre adresse postale.       

Décisions possibles

  • Admission définitive
    Le Bureau des admissions vous fait parvenir une offre définitive d’admission (sans condition à rencontrer).  
  • Admission conditionnelle 
    Le Bureau des admissions vous fait une offre d’admission conditionnelle, avec des conditions précises que vous devrez remplir dans les délais prescrits. Vous pourrez tout de même procéder à votre inscription (choix de cours).
  • Décision différée
    Le Bureau des admissions peut vous informer que certains renseignements sont manquants afin d’être en mesure de prendre une décision qu’à votre admissibilité. Le cas échéant, on vous informera des documents que vous devrez nous faire parvenir dans le délai prescrit.
  • Refus
    Le Bureau des admissions vous informera des raisons du refus.



Pour accepter l’offre d’admission et l’offre de bourse, le cas échéant, vous devez signer le formulaire d’acceptation qui accompagne votre offre d’admission et le faire parvenir, avant la date butoir, à l’Université Saint-Paul par courriel à l’adresse suivante ou par la poste à : 

Université Saint-Paul
Bureau de l’admission et des services aux étudiants
223, rue Main
Ottawa (Ontario)
K1S 1C4



Avec votre offre d’admission, vous recevrez également tous les renseignements nécessaires pour faire votre choix de cours. Vous recevrez également les coordonnées de nos conseillères aux études que vous pourrez rencontrer, de façon individuelle ou lors de sessions d’information, pour vous conseiller et vous aider à compléter votre choix de cours.

Formation fondamentale (12 crédits)

Cours obligatoires : 12 crédits

  • HTP1502 Approches dans les humanités : interprétations de l’expérience humaine
  • HTP1503 Personnes, justice sociale et écologie
  • HTP1505 Analyse critique, lecture et écriture de travaux universitaires
  • HTP1506 Premiers Peuples du Canada

Formation disciplinaire (60 crédits)

Cours obligatoires (42 crédits)

  • PHI1505 Introduction à la pensée critique
  • PHI2541 Fondements de la démocratie et de la gouvernance
  • PHI2542 Éthiques utilitaristes
  • PHI2543 Éthiques déontologiques
  • PHI2544 Éthiques de la vertu
  • PHI2546 Justice sociale
  • PHI2581 Le savoir humain
  • PHI2582 Anthropologie philosophique
  • PHI3533 Éthiques féministes
  • PHI3707 Éthique, multiculturalisme et immigration
  • PHI3708 Éthique et service public
  • PHI3901 Stage 1
  • PHI4521 Éthique appliquée en contexte organisationnel
  • PHI4581 Projet de recherche

Cours optionnels (18 crédits)

9 crédits parmi :

  • ISC2706 Médias et éthique
  • PHI2511 Histoire de l'éthique occidentale
  • PHI2521 Éthique et nouvelles biotechnologies
  • PHI2585 Éthique et éducation
  • PHI3534 Éthique environnementale et animale
  • PHI3783 Conservatisme et libertarianisme
  • PHI3785 Marx et traditions marxiennes

9 crédits parmi :

  • PHI3529 Éthique, intelligence artificielle et Big Data
  • PHI3709 Éthique et religion
  • PHI4519 Éthique, guerre et terrorisme
  • PHI4555 Thèmes choisis en éthique et politique
  • PHI4713 Éthique et handicap
  • PHI4901 Stage II

Cours au choix ( 18 crédits)

HTP 1102 - Approaches in the Humanities: Interpreting the Human Experience

Introduction to theoretical approaches in the Humanities and to the methods that are applied to interpret the multiple expressions of human experience, particularly those expressed in important works of art and literature.

HTP 1103 - People, Social Justice and Ecology

Social and ecological challenges facing humanity today, and related issues of social justice. These questions will be examined from a perspective of community building and efforts towards ecological and social transformations for a hopeful future.

HTP 1105 - Critical Analysis, Reading and Writing Academic Works

Development of abilities to read critically and understand academic works. Focus on formal writing skills: techniques of clear expression and construction of texts, argument development and organization. This course also includes a library laboratory component with focus on research skills, citations, and academic integrity.

HTP 1106 - The First Peoples in Canada

Indigenous and non-Indigenous perspectives on the First Peoples in Canada, cultural diversity, traditional practices and beliefs, relationship with the environment, changing roles and structures influenced by colonization. Contemporary issues faced by First Nations, Métis and Inuit, including cultural genocide and trauma.

ISC 2306 - Media and Ethics

Constitutive elements of ethical behavior. Basic ethical criteria in media communication. Rights in communication situations. Deontology codes in use in several institutions. Case analysis in media praxis: persuasion communication and fiction.

PHI 1105 - Introduction to Critical Thinking

Explores the various sides of Critical Thinking: the nature of arguments, common errors in reasoning as well as evaluating evidence and information. Enables students to acquire and develop research and writing skills.

PHI 2111 - History of Western Ethics

When offered, this course would take one of the following three forms: I. Ancient and Medieval Ethics: Greek, Hellenistic, and Roman Ethics. Selection from Plato’s Dialogues, and Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics. Selection from the Epicureans, Stoics, Neoplatonists, and Aquinas. II. Early Modern Ethics: Renaissance Humanists, Hobbes, Descartes, Spinoza, Locke, and Hume. III. Post-Kantian Ethics. Selections from Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, J.S. Mill, T.H. Green. Selections from Moore, the positivists and post-modernists. Western ethics may be compared and contrasted to selected non-Western traditions.

PHI 2121 - Ethics and New Biotechnologies

Impact of robotics and new technologies on the patient-healthcare practitioner relationship, medical interventions, the manner in which we perceive our own bodies, and transhumanism.

PHI 2141 - Fundamentals of Democracy and Governance

Study of the fundamentals of democracy and governance, and of its principal thinkers and critics, starting from Plato. Distinction between ancient and modern forms of democracy. Overview of the principles of political liberalism underpinning contemporary democracies. Comparison between democracy and other forms of government. Study of different models of governance and of the implications of a managerial conception of politics.

PHI 2142 - Utilitarian Ethics

General history of utilitarianism, with readings from main thinkers in the tradition from its beginnings up to the present day (Bentham, Mill, Sidgwick, Singer, Lazari-Radek). Study of applied dimensions of this approach, as well as of its limitations.

PHI 2143 - Deontological Ethics

General history of deontology, with readings from main thinkers in this tradition from its beginnings up to the present day (Kant, Ross, O’Neill). Study of applied dimensions of this approach, as well as of its limitations.

PHI 2144 - Virtue Ethics

General history of virtue ethics, with readings from main thinkers in this tradition from its beginnings to the present day (Aristotle, MacIntyre, Nussbaum, non-western perspectives). Study of applied dimensions of this approach, as well as of its limitations.

PHI 2146 - Social Justice

Explores, from the perspective of social justice theories, issues such as social inequalities, poverty, refugees, war, and environmental degradation. Examines criticisms of this perspective.

PHI 2181 - Human Knowledge

Study of the traditional, universalist, approach to knowledge as well as contemporary standpoint approaches, such as feminist and postmodernist.

PHI 2182 - Philosophical Anthropology

Study of different philosophical conceptions of the human being.

PHI 2185 - Ethics and Education

Examination of the philosophical and psychological research on the formation of ethical judgments. Relationships between judgment, feeling, and moral action. Examination of how various learning theories can be incorporated into teaching ethics to children, how ethics may be taught to children both inside and outside a religious context. Education as a pillar of democratic citizenship.

PHI 3129 - Ethics, AI and Big Data

Study of emerging ethical issues and dilemmas prompted by the Internet and related technologies. Range of topics that could include privacy, cyber-bullying, algorithms governance, control society, accessibility issues, and the monetization of data. Foundations of artificial intelligence, and ethical and public policy issues linked to emerging and possible artificial intelligence technologies.

PHI 3133 - Feminist Ethics

Examination of the development of critical theories and new ethical models in different feminist currents. How these ethics take into consideration the marginalized voices of oppressed groups.

PHI 3134 - Environmental and Animal Ethics

Explores ethical issues concerning non-human animals and the environment, such as harvesting non-human animals for food production and the social problems arising from global warming.

PHI 3307 - Ethics, Multiculturalism and Immigration

This course examines the relation of ethics, multiculturalism, and immigration, studies the questions regarding the possibility of a multicultural ethics, and addresses the issues and debates arising from cultural relativism and identity politics in the functioning of modern societies.

PHI 3308 - Ethics and Public Service

Ethical issues relating to the public sector. Definitions of the common good and of public service. Study of the role of public policy in the functioning of various states and governments, and the implications of their coherence or conflict in the social, political and economic realms.

PHI 3309 - Ethics and Religion

This course examines the philosophical foundations of various ethical and religious traditions and addresses the possibility of their convergence in modern liberal societies.

PHI 3383 - Conservatism and Libertarianism

Explores the various kinds of conservative and libertarian philosophies with an emphasis on their differing views on the nature of truth and reason. Investigates conservative and libertarian critiques of social justice.

PHI 3385 - Marx and Marxian Traditions

Analysis of Marxist theories as well as non-western and recent post-marxist interpretations and their mobilization in thinking through oppression and power relationships.

PHI 3901 - Internship I

A minimum of 130 hours professionally supervised in an environment that includes a component of public ethics or analysis of public policies. The internship incorporates a cumulative reflective practice component in order to encourage the critical integration of theory and practice. The internship culminates in the writing of a detailed practicum report. Prerequisite: 24 PHI credits with a cumulative grade point average of 8.0. Graded S/NS.

PHI 4119 - Ethics, War and Terrorism

Analysis of ethical, political, and public policy dimensions of armed conflict in a global era: just war theory, humanitarian intervention, war and diplomacy, emerging military technologies, torture, detainment, state of exception, and human rights.

PHI 4121 - Applied Ethics in Organizational Contexts

Analysis of ethical issues emerging in organizational contexts. Case studies to demonstrate how ethical decisions are made on the ground.

PHI 4155 - Selected Topics in Ethics and Politics

Study of a particular topic, thinker or tradition. Critical analysis of the link between ethics and politics.

PHI 4181 - Research Project

Writing of a major research project. Application of what the student has learned over the course of the B.A. to a topic of his or her own interest.

PHI 4313 - Ethics and Disability

Analyzes models of disability from medical to social and political models. Critically investigates the implications of these models for the social construction of individuals as disabled.

PHI 4901 - Internship II

A minimum of 130 hours under professional supervision in a work environment related to ethics. The student develops a clearly defined research project integrating his or her theoretical knowledge. The internship culminates in the writing of a practicum report detailing the outcomes of the project while integrating a critical reflection on theory and practice. Prerequisite: PHI3901 Internship I. Graded S/NS.

Contact Us

Office of the Associate Vice-Rector, Strategic Enrolment Management
Room 148
Saint Paul University
223 Main Street
Ottawa, ON
K1S 1C4

Notice to gmail address holders, be sure to check your junk mailbox regularly, as due to your server's firewalls our email response to your application may end up there.

Telephone: 613-236-1393 ext. 8990
Fax: 613-782-3014

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Please leave your documents in the mailbox in front of room 148 when our offices are closed.

Information for future students

Saint Paul University

223 Main Street
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1S 1C4


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