Evening Lecture: Getting to the Root: The Personal and Systemic Sins of Clericalism

Fr. Mark Slatter

Date: October 31, 2018, 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Guigues Hall, Room 103

A copy of the presentation can be viewed here.

Recent revelations about past sexual abuses by Catholic clergy and the breathtaking systemic coverups in countries such as Chile, the United States, and Ireland is a “new low” – if that description is even adequate. Today there are “safe practices” addressing the deportment of clergy. But do these initiatives really get to the root of the problem? Key observers note that the underlying cause of clericalism is conspicuously absent from many of these discussions. What is clericalism? What are its appearances and consequences? And more important, what can we do to reverse this individual and systemic corruption?  

Mark Slatter, a native of Nepean, is Associate Professor of Theological Ethics with the Faculty of Theology at Saint Paul University. He is a priest with the Archdiocese of Ottawa, and obtained his Ph.D. from the Gregorian University in Rome.  For 15 years he worked with Ottawa’s homeless and those struggling with substance abuse. In addition to his recent book, Insights While Suffering, he publishes on topics dealing with ethics and interiority. In his spare time he pursues his life-long passion for astronomy, film, and outdoor sports.