Indigenous Pastoral Leadership Formation Program 2018


Kateri Native Ministry Logo 

July 30 – August 3, 2018

This program is offered in partnership between Kateri Native Ministry of Ottawa and Saint Paul University through the Providence School of Transformative Leadership and Spirituality and the Centre for Religious Education and Catechesis.

The purpose of the program is to support the development of Indigenous persons who are exercising pastoral leadership within their respective communities. This program is designed to train and empower pastoral leaders in Indigenous communities. Honouring traditional ways of learning, it explores connections between Indigenous spiritualities and Christian faith. Non-Indigenous people who serve or who would like to serve in Indigenous communities are also welcome to join us.

This year’s theme, “I GIVE YOU MY WORD,” speaks to the power of the W/word in our relations with self, others, Creation and God. It is our hope that the strengthening of the connections between Indigenous teachings and Christian teachings will continue to promote healing and reconciliation for all who are involved in this program. 

For more information, please consult our program page.