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Anahi Morales Hudon
Associate Professor
613-236-1393, ext. : 2111
GIG 232


Anahi Morales Hudon holds a PhD in sociology from McGill University and specializes in social movements and intersectionality. Her doctoral research analyzed indigenous women’s struggle for organizational autonomy in Mexico. She has published articles in the Journal of Latin American Studies, the Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, the Canadian Journal of Political Science, Controversia, Sociologie et Sociétés, and Recherches féministes. She coauthored Indigenous Women’s Movements in Latin America : Gender and Ethnicity in Peru, Mexico, and Bolivia (New York, Palgrave Mcmillan, 2017). This book was published in Spanish by the Fondo Editorial PUCP in 2018. Finally, she co-directed the issue “Femmes autochthones en movement: fragments de décolonisation”, in Recherches féministes (Volume 30, n.1, 2017).