Research Centre: Vatican II and 21st Century Catholicism
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Webinar – Desiderium Unitatis: The Historical Trajectory of Ecumenism

The Research Centre on Vatican II and 21st Century Catholicism at Saint Paul University, in collaboration with Regis College in the University of Toronto, invites you to a webinar presentation to mark the launch of The History of the Desire for Christian Unity.

DATE: Friday, March 18
TIME: 1:00 p.m. (EDT)



In this webinar, Alberto Melloni will explore three narratological currents in the historiography of the modern ecumenical movement. The first, a narrative of return, described the path to unity in terms of a necessary return. A second narrative of suffering runs through the sources and enters the ecumenical fabula, distancing itself from previous accounts and depicting the rupture of unity as a fatal error in need of healing. A third thread operative in the sources is the narrative of urgency. It enters the discourse of the pioneers of ecumenism in the wake of World Wars I and II, or in the face of rising atheism and Soviet imperialism. Drawing from the case studies of institutions, doctrines, and actors burning with a desire for Christian unity, we examine the inner dimension of what set in motion the processes that are now the subject of historical investigation.

For the event poster, please click here.

For more information, please contact Catherine Clifford at


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